ULOG: August, ghost month for some but not for us!

in #ulog6 years ago


Woohoo! It’s August and I am super psych because this month is where our sunshine AKA bonus will be given. Anyway, August is said to be a ghost month. According to rappler.com , ghost month is also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival and is a belief of Taoist and Buddhist that "hungry ghosts" or restless spirits roam the Earth and cause mischief on the 7th month of the lunar calendar. This mischief can be anything from accidents and crime to unexpected deaths and business failures.

This is the month where Chinese and people who are influenced by the belief don’t venture on new business, don’t do life-changing events and postpone activities that may turn to bad luck. To appease the spirits, people offer food, incense and even entertainment shows for the ghosts. Everyone is advice to don’t go to funerals or visit the sick, don’t hold major life events, don’t go out at night and don’t hold big parties during this month. It is advised to consult feng shui experts for your business, home and life during this month.

So anyway, we just received our sunshine and we are all happy about it. So how do we celebrate? Through food jamming of course!



At our branch, we all love to eat and be merry. I think our biggest fear is hunger haha but everyone is happy of how everything turned out.



This is my ULOG for the day and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

That’s all! Spread the sunshine!



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