in #ulog6 years ago


Hello dear friends, today I want to share with all of you small changes that I made, because as my title says, changes are always good and help us. Today I decided to go to the hairdresser to make some love in my hair, when we reach a certain age, we must be very careful not to neglect our appearance, and that is what I always do, fix my hair, my nails, walk in impeccable clothes , because we are very visible people and we are surrounded by those who can give a good tetimonio for others.

I want to show you the different changes that I have suffered in so few months, I just hope you like each one of the changes that I have made.

Let's start with the first, with very long hair to a medium cut.

Second step, from medium hair to short hair

And even today, with short hair to a more modern and fresh cut.

This last cut really has a lot of personality, completely changes your style, I love this cut, he always told me that when I reach this age, I would make this cut and today I feel very good.

I want to introduce you to the person who made this favorable change for me, she is Johana, an extraordinary hairdresser with scissors, a woman who travels the world specializing in everything that has to do with beauty in hairdressing.


Here it is, making our beloved @deisip67 more beautiful and I take a picture by surprise.


I want to leave this little summary of the word of God, when it says that we must be careful with our bodies and minds, as bearers of the Holy Spirit of God.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, that it is in you, that you have God, and that you are not yours?
1 Corinthians 6:19
Let us also take care of our body, being responsible Christians.

Being healthy not only means taking care of the physical aspects, but also your well-being and mental health are equally important. If you have adequate psychological health, you can develop your potential by being able to deal positively with the stressful situations that arise in your life, such as the loss of a loved one. In turn, you can spend and share your time with your family, friends and the community that surrounds you.

Valuing yourself and accepting yourself is a key aspect to maintaining your psychological health, which will allow you to enjoy life completely. However, if this becomes a struggle, your ability to feel, express and control your positive and negative emotions, especially anger, will be affected. For example, if you have a permanent physical illness, have retired or been fired, you may feel depressed and stressed. These feelings often pass, but sometimes develop other more serious problems, such as depression or anxiety. Therefore, having good mental health will protect you from developing these disorders. Try to follow these 10 tips to feel a physical, emotional and mental wellbeing:

Follow a healthy and balanced diet
It is no secret that eating a healthy and balanced diet helps you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease or stroke. Food, after all, is the fuel of our body. You can not put the diesel in a gasoline machine, so, in relation to this, you should not feed yourself inadequately, this will only make you feel bad.

Drink sensibly
Alcohol is a euphoric depressant and affects brain functions. If you do not drink sensibly or drink large amounts over a long period of time, you will run the risk of developing mental problems, such as anxiety or depression. Also, you should not take drugs, such as canabbis or ecstasy, as they increase the potential risk of damaging the brain.

Keep active
Participating regularly in physical activities helps your brain release the so-called hormones of happiness (endorphins), which help improve the feeling of well-being. Do what you enjoy the most, like a team sport, dancing, riding a bike or walking. Exercise like tai chi will also help you feel better. Try to stay active at all times: people who are unemployed or have a disease have less self-esteem and more depression.

The negative changes that occur in life, such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, being unemployed or withdrawing can be the key to feeling bad psychologically. Sometimes, you may feel that the world is coming at you and that you can not reach a goal. The key is to relax, even meditate, to control emotions and reduce stress levels.

Sleep well
Feeling tired affects concentration, demotivates it and leaves it without energy. This can affect, in turn, mental health, so it is important to get enough sleep to feel rested and feel able to perform daily activities.

Externalize your feelings
Talking with other people about how you feel will help you see everything from another perspective. Try talking to the people closest to you so you can share your problems.

Ask for help when needed
If you feel you can not cope on your own, you should not feel guilty or embarrassed for asking others for help. The loss of a loved one or certain changes that may occur in life are difficult to overcome, so it is important to remember that you can ask for help and that the advantages this brings are the difference when it comes to carrying a certain situation.

Accept yourself as is
There are certain things that can change in your life. Seeing yourself as a worthy person and not judging yourself with excessive zeal will help you feel good and maintain an acceptable degree of happiness throughout your life.

In touch with your friends and loved ones
Maintaining good relationships with the people around you will strengthen it, since it is always important to have contact with friends and family, especially in times of need. Even if you have not seen someone for a while, invite them to eat, write a letter or send them an email.

Smile and laugh
This is simple and simple. Why do not you do it right now?

I bless you greatly, happy day for all.
Thanks as always to @surpassinggoogle, @ulog, @wafrica, @samic, and @surfyogi, For your great unconditional support, they are a great source of encouragement to move forward with everything we present to you, to all of you, thank you very much.

Do not forget to give your support to this community:

This post was made from https://ulogs.org


You look more lovely and refreshingly vibrant.. it was great that you change your hairdo! It suits you well and the color just kick in the youyful side of you..

Change is never a bad thing. It can be a sign for greater heights.


This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Dear @maquemali, you are very kind for your comment, I liked what you describe about me and, of course, the changes are always good.

You look blooming!!! 💕 you’re right sissy @maquemali she does look more beautiful! ❤️😊

Oh yes shw does!! We should never forget to take care of ourselves.. we also need a little pampering once in awhile..

Posted using Partiko Android

Ugh! I really need that! But I can’t i have no nanny here hahha it’s hard with the two littles..

Posted using Partiko iOS

well you even can make yourself pretty!!! You do not need the parlor to do just that... hahahahaha... who needs one when you have the talent!

Dear friend, you said a great truth, not all the time we can go to a beauty salon to fix our hair, sometimes we have to do it ourselves, for my part I have to do it three or four times a week, Because of the haircut, this should always be well done, because it does not help to have it that way and not dry it, since my hair is not completely smooth. Everything is in us and in the love we have.

I agree with you.. i do believe our hair particularly has a mind of its own.. they dont actually listen!!.. it is just okay to go visit one, it all really depenss on the necessity..

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh yes shw does!! We should never forget to take care of ourselves.. we also need a little pampering once in awhile..

Posted using Partiko Android

You are most welcome po.. its great reading up comments that brigthens our day..

Posted using Partiko Android

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Quedo muy hermosa! Imagino que Deisi también.
Se siente muy bien cuando dedicamos un tiempo para nosotras mismas.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Gracias mi bella sandra, es así, cuando nos dedicamos un poco a nosotras, a nuestra belleza superficial, todo cambia en nuestro interior, si tenemos alguna carga se nos va, porque al vernos, mas hermosas pues nuestro animo se aviva, y así como dice la palabra de Dios, somos templo y morada del Espíritu Santo de Dios y debemos siempre estar hermosas para el. Gracias mi amada @samic, por siempre estar allí pendiente de una palabra linda para nosotras. Te queremos.

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