
Haha it was just a perfect timing when i took the shot.. good thing my phone was just within reach..

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( i think you always have your phone within reach hehehehe you're a photographer!) LOL

It is when im busy steeming!!! Hahahahahahahaha the ex-boyfie gets annoyed by iy so when he is near i would hide it and when im caught off guard.. he would ask are you steeming again?? And i would say... uhmmm no, just checking the time, are you hungry? hahahaha

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ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLl nice distraction with "are you hungry" hahahahaa

just tell him... "listen darling, when I'm a whale - you will be happy that I steemed as much as I did! LOL"

Hahahahaha you should have seen his face and his rolling eyes...

its funny if i became a whale because i dont know how to swim! Hahahahaha

we will teach you how to swim after we teach you how to talk in the voice channels heheheh


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