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RE: #ulog 11: The First Week of Summer Vacation With My Boys is Bubbling With Awesome

in #ulog6 years ago

What a lovely Summer day. It's pretty much the same round here, only we don't have the laughter of children, which is sort of too bad. But, what can you do, right?

Love the flower pictures. The church pictures included some sweetpeas, I see. I love sweetpeas. I always try to plant a few each Spring, the scent is amazing when they bloom.

My day lilies aren't blooming yet, so we must be a bit behind you. We have had a nice cool Spring early Summer, so that might be it. Though this week has been SO hot for us and I don't like it.

Great swimming! He was ripping! :) Love it.

Mmm I wish I could have pancakes for extra for me!


Yeah I haven't seen any other lilies blooming, I think they brought those in from some fancy greenhouse hahaha! Are you guys roasting today? We're just dying here, massive heat wave right now!

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