Music, Reflections and Time Passages (Ulog no. 9)

in #ulog6 years ago

I've been scarce around these parts, for a few days. Much of it has to do with the simple process of Making A Living, which generally precludes my being able to spend much time with social media.

It's funny how we become part of a community; part of a something... and we feel compelled to check in and let people know that we didn't fall off a cliff.

Sunday purple?

Someone once told me that the reason we tend to look backwards more and more as we age is that we end up with more and more life behind us, and less and less life ahead of us.

In a few days, I will turn 58 years of age.

There's something a bit sobering about that. Came across a couple of songs (on CDs) I used to listen to, quite a lot... and it was also sobering that I was listening to them, 25 years ago. Even if you remember Toad the Wet Sprocket, odds are you DON'T remember this

Odd how "time" works... sliding on by.

Time traveling backwards some more, I remembered a couple of lines from Al Stewart's "Time Passages," another song that was always playing in my head:

A girl comes towards you
You once used to know
You reach out your hand
But you're all alone

Words that seemed to follow me, ever since I heard them the first time.

Treetop sentinel

A lot of people reminisce about "the good old days." I'm happy for you, sincerely... but I struggle to find much more than a handful of "gold old" days; most of it was pretty much shit. Bad choices, bad timing, bad karma, bad luck and some combination of the above.

Then again, maybe it's a product of how people are "wired." Do we remember the great cake we had on June 23rd, 1984, or that it was raining and a party got canceled? 

Maybe we just look for "evidence" that our perception of something is "true," independently of what the "reality" might be. Nothing unusual in that; cognitive biases are everywhere!

DO we create our own realities? Beats me.

A friend came by where I work today and was sharing that his most recent ex long term girlfriend (of many years ago) had just committed suicide; now the second such event in his life. Dramatic? Or creating reality? He's attracted to those who seem wounded beyond all hope... so the inevitable becomes inevitable?

Well, it's late, and I'm going nowhere with this... so I'd better end here. I'll try to do a better job of visiting this coming week once end of month bills are paid.

Funny, that. I was never motivated by money... but at the same time, poverty (relatively) sucks. Paradox? 

Sorry, don't have any poignant questions... but comments are always welcome!

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Someone once told me that before fifty you add years, after fifty you subtract years.

Someone once told me that the reason we tend to look backwards more and more as we age is that we end up with more and more life behind us, and less and less life ahead of us.

That's right my friend!! So, ¡Happy Birthday! in advance. Seems like you are now pretty close to enter into my sexagenarian's club. Hahaha

But don't worry mate. Keep cheerfully playing your guitar. Just don't forget to hide it from Dr. Cox. };)

Wow, there's loads to process here. I think to a certain degree we do create our own reality. I kind of think of it like this: we have selective memories, just like we have moments of selective hearing or seeing; like not remembering the pain of childbirth (because if I had, I might not have done it 2 more times thereafter. lol)

Just in case we miss each other, I'm wishing you a happy birthday now!

ps - [editing to add] I remember Toad the Wet Sprocket

:\ I'll be 56 here real soon so I feel you. I catch myself now and again smiling to myself in memory of this event or that, but generally I think I got more to look forward to. There's the millions and millions of dollars I'm going to make, some day. Admittedly some day. Some day I'll be dead...some day never comes. Confusing.
I've lived through wealth, and lived through homelessness. I've had 3 wives and lately I'm thinking about becoming a monk and living out the rest of my days in meditative prayer.
None of that matters today, today I have more boards to erect and plywood to put on another house I'll never live in. Having work simply keeps my brain focused on what's next instead of yesterday.
Have a blessed day.

the simple process of Making A Living, which generally precludes my being able to spend much time with social media

So the dream of making a living on on social media is just that, eh? Do you think it will ever be viable? Did you ever try to make a go of it at any point during your time on here?

I can’t see this ever equaling what I make in my day job, but I didn’t come here for the money really so that doesn’t bother me too much.

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