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RE: #ulog 12: (Trying To) Gather Eggs and Battling With the Broody Hens...

in #ulog6 years ago

And they taste so much better than any you can buy from a supermarket, at least that is what I have found.
I have not eaten a supermarket egg for over 4 years now.

Have a great day, to you and the family.


Everyone else sure says so! I wouldn't know lol, can't eat eggs unless they are in baking :) Crazy Egg Lady indeed!

Hope you're staying cool and enjoying the day with family <3 Much Love DAZ!

We are having a fantastic day here, thank you for asking, it is a childless one for the last 8 hours, as she is at the lakes, getting some sunshine and swimming. Blissful afternoon of adult fun. (I shall say no more)

That sounds like paradise, well done! Enjoy...

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