#ULOG No. 5 - Just Raw Me

in #ulog6 years ago


“What? Would she dare show herself raw and natural on social media?”

I asked myself that too. I have never done anything like this before. You normally would never catch me without some form of make-up on and my hair styled in some way. Let me tell you how this derived...

One day my family and I were getting ready to get out of the house. I did my usual routine...dress, hair and makeup. I looked at my daughter and saw that her hair was out of place. I grabbed a brush and reached for her. She turns to look at me and says

Mom, why does everything always have to be perfect before we go out? Why do you always have to have makeup? My hair is fine mom.

My first reaction was 😳😳😳!

Then my next reaction was 😌😌😌!

Wow my eight year old daughter is expressing herself and telling me how she feels. This is something I definitely want from her and don’t want to discourage her from doing it. I want her to be able to talk to me about anything! I then replied

Sweetie it’s good and healthy to care about the way you look and how you carry yourself. When you leave the house you should want to look presentable.

There was a lot of truth to what she said. I want my children to be themselves and to be comfortable in their own skin. I don’t want my daughter to feel she has to be “made up” all of the time in order to feel good about herself, especially as a woman (what we teach them now will continue over into their adulthood) or to think wearing makeup and having fancy hairstyles is the only way to be presentable.

I wanted to challenge myself and post a picture in the RAW with no makeup, hair freshly washed and blow dryed and just showing ME. My daughter likes to read my Steemit posts so I thought she would be tickled and proud to know that her mommy can and will show herself all natural.

I will continue to teach my children about looking neat and well groomed but I will also be mindful not to damage their confidence that they have in themselves. What I mean by that is I don’t want them to think they need all of the extra in order to look beautiful. They are beautiful just the way they are. My mother would NEVER EVER NEVER leave the house before putting on a coat of lipstick. I myself won’t EVER NEVER EVER leave the house without wearing something decent or combing my hair. I will wear a hat if I have to LOL! It’s so important that we live as examples for our children and sometimes stepping out of the box just for them. I have definitely stepped out of the box and out of my comfort zone but it is all worth it. 😊

Here are my children’s reactions to this post:

Eight year old daughter: “I like it mom, just wear your glasses next time!” 😅

Six year old son: “You look very pretty mom, I want to see you like this again.” ☺️

Five year old son: “You look like Barbie!” 🤣🤗


This message applies to all of you too. No, I am not about to start up a new challenge called “The RAW Me Challenge” although that has a nice ring to it! 😄 I just want to say you are beautiful the way you are~ 💗🤗


Thank you for being here loves 💓 ~


Great post! It is important that we teach our daughters where their beauty should come from. I used to wear make-up every day and would never be seen in public with a ponytail. All that changed when my husband said he really doesn't even like make-up. I'm not even sure the last time I wore any and I feel fine going out in public au-natural. Actually, I don't even notice anymore! And I usually have my hair in a ponytail at least 4-5 times a week as life just doesn't allow for fresh hair every day. ;) It is a nice pic! You're beautiful! Have a great day!!

Love your comment @apanamamama! My husband is the same. I haven't worn makeup in years - and I like it that way! As for a pony tail.....well it is seldom my hair is actually lose! As I just commented to @crosheille I think we are conditioned from young, by society, to wear a certain mask and we forget who we really are!

You look like a model next to a Barbie 😉 and you did great I used a picture just now in My blog telling 5 things about me and its nog photo shoppend All naturel 💪 you raised real honest kids

You look gorgeous :)
Love your kids reaction at the end.
Just as we teach our kids, we learn from them too and what a great lesson learnt from an 8 year old <3

Yay Mama!

Kids are so funny. I remember being in High School and having fellow students be mad/annoyed/tickled at what their moms would dress like in the mornings when they were dropping them off at school.

"My mom looks like a bum" one said. Another laughed at her mom insisting on wearing lipstick in the morning. I remember wishing my mom was awake, home from work, able to take me to school and not caring one bit what she looked like. I wonder what those same people feel about that conversation now a few decades later. It seems like our kids today are much more kind and loving and less judgmental of what we are "supposed" to look like.

Im more like you and don't like to leave the house with some type of grooming done to myself, but when Im closer to where I grew up, I won't leave the house without matched clothes, basic make up, and set hair.

Lollzzz... I love their reply, expecially your five year old son's reply. Children have a sort of Spirit that prompts us to challenge ourselves even when we really might not need a challenge, so we think. (we sure do).

And You are beautiful @crosheille!!.

Way to go "8 yrs" little Queen for making mama do this. 😊

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You look soooo beautiful 💕💕💕💕 And I love your message. Till I can remember, I always was a mixture between trying out weird clothes and totally selfconscious/selfhating. My mother on the other side is much more put together (always lipstick, modest clothing etc.) This was a clash of worlds. I love that you give /accept your daughter alternative views how a woman should dress (as she likes 😊 and not like society says)

You look lovely!
I love your childrens' reactions! Kids are so funny and so sweet without even meaning to be.
Good job, mama!

I like the natural look, @crosheille. I've never put make-up on (or will do). I tried to clean myself up before I go out, but sometimes mud just gets everywhere - that's fine too; it gives me an edge in rural Wales :D
With three daughters I've always made a point of questioning supporting all their concerns about 'looks'.
They're totally different from me and I therefore wonder about the nurture / nature side of things... I should think 'schooling' and school teachers and friends have a lot to answer about that in their case.
At least I tried...

Thanks for sharing you.
Simplicity has no match.
That's the real beauty.
Keep on postin'

The honesty of children. Although I'd say better than Barbie. She still has make up on and spends hours having her hair done ;) I stopped wearing make-up years ago. More for health reasons but now that I can get natural lipstick, mascara, eye liner.....I actually prefer the raw me. And so does my husband! I think we are so conditioned by society and grow up with some sense of a mask society expects us to wear that we almost forget who we really are! Way to go @crosheille. I love the raw you!

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