
I know how hard it can be @creativesoul! What you are experiencing is very similar to what I've been going through and it is really easy to get depressed. Sometimes it feels like a profound depression. I've been questioning the same thing on steemit. Every day I feel like throwing in the towel but I do have a couple of steemit friends that are encouraging and they make me want to stay but I just don't feel like being here sometimes still. I'm sure some of the feelings are from the depression. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you want although I'm not on often. My Prayers are with you! xoxo

This kind of emotion really is a profound kind of depression. I have yet to find my way back to a real purpose to being part of this community...but support from friends makes a huge difference. Thank you for your comment...I hope that you don't throw in the towel. It's nice to have someone here also with CRPS. <3

You're welcome and thank you. It is nice to talk to someone else who knows what it is like although I would not wish it upon anybody. I have been feeling the profound depression for awhile but try to keep a lot to myself cause I don't want to come off as complaining and I don't do pity well but part of that is me and my entire life experience. I had depression before the CRPS diagnosis and progression. I can't take anti-depressants because they have yet to come up with one that doesn't make me violently ill. I take xanax, mostly, if I have to ride in a car from anxiety and panic attacks. Other than that I take gabapentin and tizandine which is pretty potent. I try not to take hydrocodone too much if I can help it. I don't think my liver is all too happy about all the meds! I just take things one day at a time. 😊

Been there as well = and it's a good place to rant - but not ever to give up.
You are in my thoughts - and prayers for healing.

@r0nd0n and I considering a fundraiser in the 3rd/4th hour of Frequency Waves 432 this Saturday.

Thank you! I truly appreciate your comment and your prayers. I have been though difficult times before...but never this close to giving up. Any sort of help is valued. <3

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