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RE: 🖤 When it pours. Lots of bad news to share...🖤

in #ulog6 years ago

The shipping was steep...but still sorta okay compared to others. I don't have my inbox open...but it was close to $40 through the 'global shipping program'...while other sellers charge upwards of $150 for the shipping and the customs. I won't be buying from another because there is something fundamentally wrong in throwing that much money away on postage costs. I can't come up with an extra $300 between inflated product and shipping costs just to line someones pockets. And...I could actually really use a good dose of pagan ritual right...but all my candles are white.


Holy crow that's insane shipping! 😲 I wouldn't do that, either, even if I had the money. How big is the unit? I was picturing something like, the size of a Game Cube.

I just saw one for $50 shipping...which isn't great but also not as insane. And $215 for the device...which is really close to what I paid for the scam one. This makes me so mad! I would have ordered that one before...and even now...I wouldn't need near as much to top up the difference...but there still isn't enough. Also since I had to buy that urgent prescription. Ebay is so frustrating...the sellers the prices change around so day is always different from the next. I don't know who to trust. Someone with a burned..or an individual just selling one that apparently they never used. Also a good chance of getting burned. There is just no way of knowing for sure...and I am too afraid of putting myself through that again. So...I guess ill still be sticking to my original plan of waiting for it to come to Canada through a different online shopping site. The box is looks about the size of a GameCube...mostly payinf for cardboard though which is a shame.

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