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RE: ULOG #7: Transformative Processes

in #ulog6 years ago

Petting wolves rollercoasters carburetors and chainsaws! You should just start a man camp already and see who can keep up with you! Glad to see you living life to the fullest. I feel like these past few months of yours could make a worthy sequel to "Bucket List" lol.


Omg you crack me up! We should totally start a Man Camp (for men and women) haha. People have looked at me like I'm crazy for taking on this adventure but my friends are trying to push me outside my comfort zone now knowing that I can't really say no to what they want to do. It has definitely been interesting, for sure. I'm currently working on rebuilding a motorcycle from the ground up and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but the grease-covered experience has been pretty fun!

That is so fucking awesome. I did basic maintenance on a motorcycle but rebuild it? Noooooo lol. You are like the lady version of Jim Carrey in "Yes Man" you are actually making me want to live life like that... I used to back in my teens and early 20s I bet we all did! And then adulthood crushed our little happy spirits. =p

I think I've seen that movie but maybe I need to re-watch it haha. Its been a greasy mess so far but its been a lot of fun. My friends help me when I lose track of what I'm doing :P
I'm trying to not let adulthood crush my happy little spirit anymore. Screw adulting! I say we all go back to being kids in grown up bodies. I miss naptime and ice pops so I'm thinking we should bring those back.

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