
Happy birthday, BIRTHDAY TWIN!!!!!!!

How exciting for us hehehehehehhee I love it!

Anything special planned for today???

Nothing for today. It is still too dangerous for us to travel so that the family can be together. So it will be just another normal day.

What about you? Have special plans?

I like quiet birthdays... just reflecting on the love in my life. I really love cards with personal notes, or emails ... just words from the heart make my birthday special! :)

My most favourite birthday ever was one in which my husband took the boys out and when they came back they sequestered themselves in the garage. They were busy making my birthday presents, all with reference to my favourite flours, lilacs. It was so special because we were living in Costa Rica and lilacs don't grow there!

that really does sound so special!!!! its those tender moments - where they show how much they know you. i love that! to be known and appreciated!!! <3

heading out the door to my second shift of work...
i hope your birthday continues to be the lovelies ever, dear friend

Stay safe!

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