My ULOG Episode- 5 - Ate a whole chicken.

in #ulog6 years ago

I don't know what I'm doing. Today was super bad , I went to morning class , and I was feeling so bad. I was coughing in between , but I couldn't go from the class , since this class required a group work and a presentation at the end of each class. So I waited , patiently , minutes turned to hours . But at last , while discussion somehow I got that tiny bit of energy.

So after that , came back , paid electricity , thanks to steemit 😊😊.

Then didn't have much time in between , was having my brunch , then I really wanted to nap a bit , but I knew if I napped then I wouldn't wake up , since I'll be double tired. So I didn't.


I found this online , and it reminded me if one of my besties , made me feel nostalgic.

Then the boring stomatology class. During the breaks my friend and I went to get this package , and somehow horrible was about to go down.


So we were talking about dogs and how I am a dog person , or something , suddenly these small teddy bear like dog started chasing her and me , haha she ran haha like seriously I couldn't see her. But me I didn't run so much a little and then the owner called there names and they went back. Omg they we're aiming for my back , I saw them , omg , I had never experienced this ever. I love animals , wow , but I kinda panicked.

Wow , but it was really funny too , my friend ran , I couldn't find d her , so I owner poi Ted to the inside road. I followed and after walking a lot I saw her walking half way accross the school ground. Haha

Then while coming back I wanted to pass by canteen but we didn't , so I thought , why don't I get something , bad decision ever . So I got this chicken . Omg , I ate it all. I had no sense of whatever , I was so stressed that I haven't started to study for the exam which will start next week. And my birthday is on this Monday. I'm kinda scared about what could happen..haha. And all that , so I ate them all. And now I'm feeling really bad to my stomach , feeling nauseated , eish , why did devil get into my brain. Chicken why u my deepest crush !?!

Yeah , so my deepest regret is spending money on that chicken , although it was half money . That's what attracts people's attention .

Yup that's it guys , I'm seriously thinking of taking a break from steemit until my exams are done , I'm not really sure. What do you all think??

God bless you 😍😍

Tell me , How was your day??


Very good ulogger, remember that in ulog nothing of images of the web.
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