ULOG:21 Pineapple thoughts

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


If I would be a fruit, I maybe a pineapple. For the shallow reason that I am named similar to it and also beacuse I grow and live here in the tropics where you can see lots of it. I blend here well. Are you familiar of the legend of Pineapple? It is one of the legend story for youngsters here. As I remember, it was the story of the girl Pinang and her mother. Pinang same as how some of my folks call me. I was tease by other kid using if not the penpen de sarapin song, it is the pinya during kids fight.

Back to the legend, if not all of us knows. This is good time for story telling for the weather is excellent for the kids to stay inside. Its raining and others might be on a holiday break.

A widow has a girl named Pinang. She loves here so much. She do everything for her daughter. She would teach her kids everyday like the household chores as she wanted her to be independent and be able to take care of herself well. One day, mother was so sick. She could not get up and do things. So Pinang was forced to take care of her. With a heavy heart in doing things, she would always asked her mother almost anything even if whats she was asking was easy to see. She did not have will to find in her own. When cooking for instance, she asked her mother where the ladle was when all was in the kitchen. Due to mothers illness she couldn't control her emotion and was mad while in bed. She scolded Pinang and said, "I wish you can have lot of eyes for you to see things!". Pinang cried and walked out from the house. That was the last time she saw Pinang. She was gone. The mother was so sad. She tried to get up and looked everywhere but with no success. One day, she saw a growing plant in the yard that she did not know existed. It was a strange looking plant with stocky leaves and with tiny torns at the leaves edges. She cared for it everyday while praying for her daughter to come back. Until the plants showed a fruit and she was amazed by its looks. It was like a head with eyes all over it. The mother suddenly recalled her wish that day when Pinang left. She was teary- eyed. She wish her daughter come back home. Since that day, she named the plants Pinang, and later on commonly called "Pinya".

Come to think of it, while recalling and jotted it down makes me sad. I hope Pinang learn her lesson and come back to her mother before it is too late. And finally become a Pineapple that stand tall, who wear a crown and can be sweet on the inside.

Happy rainy holiday. Grateful for the gift from my customer. She bought that pineapple, and give me chocolate and apple. How sweet! Thanks a lot. Merry Christmas.

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