Ulog 12: Believing things are going okay

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)
I was early today for a delivery and I had to go there before mall hours. I did not worry that much for the transpo since I was opting to used the Grab Car, so much convenience. I was shookt by the cost of my booking. It reached to 405.00 peso, but what could do about it I had to, convenience has its own cost. Maybe because today is Friday , I am not sure cause usually going to Airport Cargo T2 was in 300.00 pesos only. The grab car was not able to pass through to the street since there was parade going on. When I arrived in the Cebu Pac cargo, I was lucky there was no line. I handed the airwaybill to the counter and then they found the boxes immediately. I was concerned because the boxes contain fragile goods but I saw they handled it upside down. Oh my, they did not care the red tag of the box.
I had to find a car which big enough for this to fit. I stopped one car, we tried it but was not a success. I had to find another one, and then finally the second one was just enough. On the way to my destination via Edsa. The normal traffic was tiring and I was caught in it. I hoped I could reach there on time. Almost an hour there, I was exhausted. I did not noticed how I got down after the ride. Finally got to open the boxes for checking. I was relieve that nothing was broken and the goods were all well. Kudos to our packing team, but it took me also an hour to unpack it all. It was all good then. Got the docs signed and I was done. When I was going outside, my stomache grumbled. Now time to eat some breakfast.
On my way to find a Chowking, I was fascinated by the blows of the wind in this area. I stopped for few minutes to watch the flowers dancing as well as the koi.
Thats how the morning turned out. I tried to use the ulogs.org but failed to attach my photos. I am not sure why. So I went back to the usual page. I do hope I am able to use it to my next ulog. Bye bye for now.

Oh! I will leave you this drama lines I like at the moment.

Mr. Gong: Time really does fly fast. I was starting to hope that it'd pass by a little slowly. Time really does fly by, regardless of wether you want to hold onto it or have it pass by really quickly.
Jennifer: Not only does it fly by, but at the same time its something you can never get back. Anyone is capable of feeling sad about what's already gone. But whether you're going to make that sadness into something regretfull or make it into a wonderful memory is entirely up to you.
-thirty but seventeen

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