#ulog 22: Nature Is In Posture When It Rains

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello my ulog friends,

Although many would not appreciate the wet season here in the Philippines, well I am one of those who feel blessed and thankful for the rain. It may be dark and gloomy but I don't mind. What matters most to me is I see nature beginning to take form: everything is turning green. Seeds sprouting and plants bearing fruits and flowers blossoming.
Look at this bitter gourd. We do not have a formal garden to grow vegetables like this one but I managed to cultivate the small pocket garden and produce some healthy vegetables. The rainy season is of great help. I get free rain water thus saving on tap. I am not obligated to water the plants because we have rain pouring regularly.

I was excited really to see the fruits of my labor literally 😀. Back in the days we used to have a lot dedicated to planting vegetables and we live sustainably. I want to bring back that idea and would be happy if my family will be able to experience that.
I wrapped the bitter gourds with paper to screen them from insects that suck the sap out. I do not use pesticide for safety. In this photo you will see a few of the gourds. I am happy seeing them grow each day and even more happier once I pick them and cook a famous dish. I can not wait to show you, maybe in the future I will post an ulog for that dish.

Isn't it inspiring being able to produce your own food? I hope you like my ulog for today. Until next time.

All photos are mine taken using my Samsung phone


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I hope they survive from the insects. It's nice to know your pocket garden has vegetables

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