Don't Calm Down Your Tea Is Poison...

in #uk6 years ago

I am calling all of UK Steemers to urgent action! 

Many of you on here are probably aware of Fracking; if not then you should be. Search in your search engine. Fracking its about to hit the England big time and we are running out of time to stop it. Obviously I think its bad but I would encourage you to make you own opinion. Its coming to Lancashire on a massive scale as the below poster shows. And people who are not in Lancashire this effects YOU too! 

This shows the number of contracts granted in just a Small section of Lancashire. Note how close they are to towns!

Lot of people I speak to are aware of it but don't know the potential dangers.

Let me outline a few:

  • House prices near Fracking site will fall!
  • It can and has leaked into the water table, polluting drinking water. Even the companies doing the Fracking it admit this is a possibility.
  • It can and has cause earthquakes; even in areas not on a tectonic plate.
  • Its banned in most of Europe including Wales, Ireland and Scotland due to the environmental risks. 
  • There have been links to increase respiratory illness in children near Fracking sites.
  • When a site is finished and sealed then the local authority will have responsibility to keep it save and free from leaks NOT the Fracking company.
  • There are talks of using the wells to dump radioactive waste !
  • Each well uses millions of gallons of water which will have to be transported to the site in large lorries day and night.
  • All the highly toxic waste from the site will need to be dump somewhere too.
  • They can Frack under YOUR house, oh and if your house if damaged in the process... your not covered by insurance!

Things do go wrong:

And my friends that is only the beginning. This is not just a problem for the "Desolate North (which it will become), this will effect the whole country mark my words. There is not time for you to be a NIMBY, we need to become one and stop this before its too late.  It only takes one well, and this will start in July:

The councils in the north west proposed to ban it, even after they were told not to consider environmental factors, yes that is a fact! Then our regime changed the law so the could not make the decision after they had made it! 

The direct action is delaying the process but not stopping it we need to come together and unite to end it once and for all. Most important we need to make people aware of the truth and not the BS the government are spewing out. There is so much people can do if you don't want to be on the protest lines, which to be honest I dont think has the best effect. People need to be made aware of the risk so just spreading the word and the facts could be invaluable. Companies need to know about who they are working for; one case lorries were stopped at the Preston New Road site and protestors spoke to the drivers. This got back to the  haulage company mangers, they did not realise what effect the goods they were transporting could have and ceased all future deliveries.

A few things I feel should be done if you can !!!

  • Talk to friends, family and colleagues, telling the the whole truth and the risks.
  • Talk to local shops or businesses tell the to refuse service to any one connected to Fracking. If you own one make sure you don't serve anyone who is involved in Fracking. Put signs up saying this!
  • Send messages to you favourite UK bands get the to make songs about Fracking; music is such a powerful medium. I have been doing this recently!
  • If you play music write songs about Fracking and get them heard!
  • Find a venue and arrange a viewing of one fo the many short films out there. Often available for free, i'll put some links in at the end.

Just remember this we are the protectors of this land and water. If we allow it to be destroyed we have failed out children and all future generations!

Get out there and do anything you can though. We as a country need to stand up again this as it will effect all of us. Find you local Fracking group and get involved! For the future generations 

The responsibility is YOURS !

Some music out there to share !


It's the northern powerhouse that George Osborne spoke about. The north powering his house.

Your spot on there but let makes sure that does not happen hey! 💯🐒's one reason among many for people to resist. Unfortunately the black box distraction units that almost everyone is addicted to are a powerful adversary. Keep banging the drum.

Umm throw away that box. I've not had one for nearly three years. Many how my life changed 💯🐒 too.....I hate to be near one now (even if it's turned off!)...It really does change your life

If only more people would. Admittedly my rental property has one, its in the spare room covered with a sheet in the cupboard. I watch documentaries streamed its so liberating to be free of the programming. Although people still think I odd but they will come around 💯🐒

For me the choice is 'Do you want to watch government approved programs or your own choice of program?' Why most people choose the former and think those that choose the latter odd is beyond me. Like you say, they will come round. Many don't understand the question yet.

Spot on we can only give them the information they need to process it themselves when they are ready. But that hundredth monkey it coming !💯🐒

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