The Disservice Economy and its Bad Goods; and The Global Money Making Engine: 2 (Part 2)

in #uk6 years ago

Part 1:

A vehicle owner is able to phone in so as to pay ad hoc penalties sometimes. S/he may pay using credit/debit card. This too becomes a liability in law to those unaware of this feature of the small print. In law it represents adequate opportunity to rectify an infringement on the spot. Penalty charges rise of course when such rectifications on the spot are not on one’s radar and one misses their opportunity.

Much of this business-model setup has been contested in UK’s highest chambers The House of Lords; which House unaccountably found in favour of these hangers-on.

The business-model represents an opportunist window wherein a scheme on the whole is adding to the general public burden, just as does a new tax devised and implemented by government adds to it, such as the spare bedroom tax and VAT added to items previously exempted. It is a niche industry found out and then exploited massively.

There being no personnel on the ground to speak to or to negotiate with its rigidities in the car parks are wholly inflexible because base don written instructions and not on human relations or conversation. This to is not only a very economical labour saving wheeze then; but it;’s very lack of personnel needed works in its favour in that there is never anyone around to converse with about the details etc.

It is a scheme which is generating income purely out of new impositions having been placed on people who did not have them on them formerly. Its economic benefits to its retailer hirers of the service is at best dubious – no-one is able to do the sums with any certain assurance. It is a new and a privately inspired and managed way of marshalling people in general, pushing them here and there and making cash by doing so. It lives off the backs of ordinary folks, and lives off them pretty nicely thank you. Ordinary folk are pushed about by smart privateers who are doing so for the most part solely to generate large income and for no public nor pretty much for any other private benefit to their hirers. No social benefits; nor any locally to their clients; no palpable discernible benefits. A perfectly lawful dastardly wheeze. Another Great British disservice.

Worst of all concerning this scheme hatched by clever degenerates so as to be a lawful abuse of UK citizens in general, is the social knock-ons. It says to other stores around it: This is my car park – I don’t want your customers using it. And other stores around it are thus slightly loosened from any former genial social cement between themselves and the regulated car park retailer. And one retailer at a retail park does it; and many follow since they do not want to be at a disadvantage of an overflowing car park but few customers. Driver customers themselves become less friendly in attitude to the stores who employ such means. Especially once stung by a few minutes infraction paid for through the nose by them.

The whole thrust of such disservice services is to weaken social congeniality – which itself is a general thrust of most of the disservice services of the bad goods I am writing about in this series.

Such disservices are each all-for-me-and-none-for-you wheezes which tend to depend for their powers to generate income upon weakening the social fabric somewhat; no-one doing a favour to anyone any longer, so to speak. Favours have to be costed.

It is in short petty regulation dreamed up and craftily based of statute law property rights which shield it from illegality; but which do not shield it from public opprobrium and from a gross ethical dubiety. Lawful poncing on statute law.

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