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RE: Birthday Present Office

in #uk6 years ago

Prosecco is fizzy white wine. All the rage here and I'm very partial to it @glenabrethsen!

Wifi is excellent.

Only downside is screaming/crying child in next door room. Please, please, please don't let them wake up in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn. I'm a poor sleeper at the nest of times. I've got no chance if the racket gets repeated.

And, on that note, I'm off to bed. 💤


A child, staying at a luxury hotel?! I've only been to one hotel I would consider luxurious, and I was surprised to see the two or three families that we came across there. I couldn't have imagined affording such a place, even at the deep discounted prices we got for our room (over 80% at current rent costs) when our two boys were young. I felt fortunate just to pay plane tickets to get them down to Mexico so they could visit with family, let alone set them up in luxury. Oh, well.

I wish you good sleeping, even if you don't see this until tomorrow. :) We'll be celebrating Mother's Day here. Looks like you already did, otherwise I would wish you a happy one of those, too. :)

Well, the child didn't wake up again @glenalbrethsen but I had a very poor night. The soundproofing here is bad. Probably only had a few hours sleep total. But hey, ho. It's another day and we're going back to Cliveden House after breakfast.

Although it's not Mother's Day here I will still feel close to the kids today since they bought me this weekend as a gift and they've been texting me to find out how it's going.

Which reminds me, I still haven't written my Mother's Day post. It was back in March and I took photographs for it but I never got round to it. As I've said, writing is not one of my favourite things and it takes me ages.

That post I wrote yesterday about my day, took nearly two hours to compile and there wasn't a huge amount of text in it!!!

So, apparently the term luxury hotel does not guarantee things that I would consider to be fairly rudimentary, like not hearing what's happening next door. That I've experienced at a Motel 6 for $30 a night back in the day. Well, I'm sorry to hear about that particular rough night. I hope the stay got better. I know I have to catch up to the rest of the post(s) here as fast as I can. Takes me a while to work through everything once I get back from Sunday off.

All we can do is all we can do, right? And then move on to the next post and comment, hoping things get a little faster along the way.

It wasn't too bad @glenalbrethsen. I'm used to not being able to sleep and everything else was great.

I tend not to play catch up with posts when I get behind as it starts to get stressful and not fun. So some posts I would normally read from the weekend, for example, I just kipped over yesterday.

The longer I'm here the more comfortable I'm getting with not reading everything I should, ditto for commenting. I do make replying to comments my first priority though. After that I simply run out of time sometimes.

As it was, on Sunday, I still ended going to bed past midnight and again, yesterday just before midnight. So I still have room to improve. This week it is back to try to go to bed at ten so I can read for a while. 😊

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