Port Isaac Cityscape

in #uk6 years ago

Views Across Port Isaac Harbour

This is the small, picturesque coastal town of Port Isaac, Cornwall taken from the south side looking north.

It is a very unique looking village which is barely navigable by car and has a maze of narrow streets and ancient cottages.

Working fishing boats come and go echoing back to it's glory days when it had a flourishing pilchard industry and was considered one of the most important fishing harbours on the north coast.

That is no longer the case and Port Isaac makes most of it's money from tourism nowadays.

Port Isaac.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

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And this is the view in the other direction.

This is what the sea gull in yesterday's post would have been looking at when he swivelled his head! 😁

Port Isaac 2.jpg

If you want to know what the seagull was pondering, might I suggest you go back to the post and read @glenalbrethsen's comment who, very kindly (and very humourously), worked it out for us?!

Thank you to @juliank and @photocontests for this daily photography contest.


Beautiful old fishing village. I don't know if pilchard is a British term or just fishing insider lingo but it was a new one on me. I also looked up Port Isaac just to continue living vicariously through your vacation. You are way out there...

I love that you are following along and enjoying yourself @steven-patrick. I have more pictures of Port Isaac to post which show the nature of the street system better, but you've probably seen them now, on Google. 😊

So, there must be a road to get there, but obviously the town was built prior to cars, and they decided not to tear down the town and rebuild. So, how did you just get around on foot? I'd be nervous driving if the streets were so narrow and I can imagine there would be people wandering about. You'd have a hard time getting anywhere that way I imagine.

Sounds like the current townsfolk are carrying on in many of the same ways as their predecessors. I think that's good to preserve such ways of life in some situations, though I do like progress and modernization, too. We don't want to trade off history, tradition and the old ways totally and completely, I don't think. Keep the good things, learn from but put away the bad.

You're not allowed to actually drive into the old town and have to park at the top of the hill on the way in @glenabrethsen.

There is an occasional car when a local drives down but they are few and far between.

Most of the roads between the streets no-one can drive down. I'll be posting more photographs of those later. The old town s actually pretty tiny so it's easy to walk around, as long as you don't mind going up and down very steep hills. 😁

Fishing is still be carried out from the harbour, but on a much, much, smaller scale and the fisherman still use the old fish cellars s to sell freshly caught shellfish.

Sounds pretty cool to me, that the old ways are still being carried out in some fashion and that the town has been preserved. I don't know about walking up and down steep hills. Might need one of those motorized chairs for climbing stairs. :)

Nah. I've climbed hills before. It might just take me huffing and puffing my way up, but eventually, I'd get there. :)

It is very unique @glenalbrethsen. And you can huff and puff along with all the other huffers and puffers. There were quite a few of them on the day we were there. 😂

The hardest thing I found was going downhill. My knees weren't too keen on that!

I have to agree with the downhill part. My lungs don't tend to like the uphills as much, but the knees definitely don't like the downhill. I suppose getting into better shape would be the answer, but the time required to get into shape versus how much I spend going uphill and downhill currently wouldn't really warrant it, and increasing my uphill/downhill activity just to justify the increase in exercise seems like a step in the wrong direction. It's like creating a problem that doesn't exist so I can fix it. :)

Ha, ha, ha @glenalbrethsen. I thought i was the queen of finding excuses not to excercise but that one really takes the biscuit! 😁

The architecture looks fascinating. That must be a fun place to visit, with all those narrow, angled streets. Is there a good ice cream shop? That's a must for a tourist destination!

I didn't notice an ice cream shop to be honest @fotosdenada.

It was fairly late on Sunday when we were there so most of the shops and cages were shut.

Actually, no you come to mention it I think I saw a shop selling Kelly's icecream (the local brand) on the hill going out of town. 😁

And there was an ice cream van still doing business in the car park at the top of the hill.

Very nice view!

Thank you @prostosun. Thanks for stopping by! 😊

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