Monomad Silhouette

in #uk6 years ago

Hartland Quay Silhouette

As the sun was going down and before I took the blue hour photograph I posted earlier, I experimented with taking some silhouettes.

This one was taken looking along a stone wall towards some photographers who were there before us and waiting for the sunset. You will probably have to view the photograph full screen to see them. 😁

You can also see where the sea meets the horizon.

hartland quay silhouette.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Thanks to @brumest for the daily monomad contest the theme of which today is silhouettes.


They look like monoliths from a henge or stone circle, but since you mention it being by a quay, I'm guessing it's just part of the waterfront?

Cool effect, either way!


I meant to say that in my post @curatorcat - that they reminded me of standing stones. But I'm tired. It's way past my bed time and I forgot. Glad you mentioned it!

It's actually the wall at the end of the car park on the lower cliff top. 😊

Great picture! Sometimes the prettiest pictures are the most simple and unique ones!

That is very true @ayennaciri. Thank you for visiting. 😊

Really cool. I immediately thought of stone monoliths also. The contrast is awesome the wall is so dark and the outlines so crisp.

Thank you @steven-patrick.

I always enjoy taking these spur of the moment type photos. I just go out of the car and thought, "I wonder if I could get a silhouette with that wall"?

It took me while to work out how to do it because, initially I was too lose to the wall, but when I moved back the magic happened. So that's something else I've learned. 😊

Just to let you know, I'm going on retreat so won't be around here commenting much next week.

Replying to every comment and being away is too much. This weekend has shown me that and I'm feeling exhausted rather than replenished. 😁

All part of the Steemit learning curve no doubt. We just have to keep adjusting as followers increase etc.

Have a fun week! 😊

That sounds like a Dr John letter haha. Yes time away is refreshing. Enjoy!
Even time away from something as great as Steemit lol

🤔 that’s a cool picture! They look like monoliths..

Yes. A couple of people said that @cryptowithincin and I thought so too. Thanks for stopping by! 😊

Easter Island makes me wonder how large those stone blocks really are.

Namaste, JaiChai

Are you saying the stones remind you of Easter Island @JaiChai?

they are actually only about 8 to 12 inches high! 😁

It's not the size I was referring to.

It is my curiosity about what and how much is buried.

Namaste, JaiChai

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