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RE: UK Warning!!!

in #uk4 years ago

Here's something interesting I found out.

The COVID-19 Vaccine and the UN charter

Article 7.

No one shall bе subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or DEGRADING TREATMENT or PUNISHMENT. In particular, no one shall be subjected WITHOUT their free consent to medical or scientific experimentation. However, anything which appeared to refer to certain types of medical treatment should be deleted, in order to avoid any misinterpretation to which the end of the second sentence, including the words "involving risk", might give rise. Those words might be taken to mean that when the experimentation did not involve any risk for the person subjected to it it could be carried out WITHOUT their consent; that was clearly prohibited at the beginning of the article. Actually it is possible to interpret that experimentation is permitted when it was required by the state of the patient's health (i.e. COVID-19 Vaccine).

A prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation must be based on well-defined principles; care must be taken NOT TO RULE OUT experiments (i.e. COVID-19 Vaccine) which should be permitted in the interests of the patient themselves. So, it becomes easy to agree to a vaccine that is not tested and tantamount to a criminal act if administered. Especially when we believe its for the health and longivity of society.

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