The Croppies S01E06 - "The UFO Hunters" - Full Episode (deutsch/english) - VIDEO

in #ufo7 years ago (edited)

Everyone is dealing with the mysterious crop circles in their own way. Vitali for example takes his crystal skulls into the formations and bathes in wheat ears to clean his chakras. It's clear for him that the aliens are behind the circles. Dr. Nick Jagiella, mathematician and main sceptic of the croppies has a total different view on the phenomenon. During a deep analysis he doesn't mince matters: It's all manmade.

Is the explenation really that simple? Frank and Robert are insecure. But then the two UFO hunters Gerhard Groeschel and Wolfgang Stelzig come into play. Will they find the creators of the circles with their professional surveillance equipment or be able to film the mysterious balls of light?
The team sits on watch...

After the great success of their first crop circle movie from 2008, "New Swirled Order", the two film producers Frank Hoefer from NuoViso Film Productions and Robert Fleischer from Exopolitik are willing to give another try to solve the riddle of the crop circles.

The series is a lot different than the movie "New Swirled Order" which is available for for free on YouTube. While often experts are in the focus of the movie and scientific anomalies were connected to the crop circles Hoefer and Fleischer choosed the format of an entertaining series.

In eight episodes the viewer accompanies the eight headed film crew of the Croppies to the fascinating wheat formations in the english county of Wiltshire, the world wide epicentre of crop circles. Since their first movie from 2008 both filmmakers learned a view things. Except eatherproofed clothes and gumboots they also took two drones with attached cameras were brought to the United Kingdom. During their research they got the help of UFO researchers with professional surveillance equipment and crop circle researchers on the ground.

"Actually the series is more about a crazy film crew that is trying to make a movie about crop circles." Frank Höfer says. The format was picked by purpose. "We hope to reach a whole new audience that never heard of the phenomenon and doesn't enjoy a pure documentary." On the other side there were pragmatic reasons why the shooting of the movie was in the foreground.
"These formations Spontaneously emerge over night in all kinds of places" says Robert Fleischer. "It was very hard to plan the shooting in the first place and also to create a red line to follow."


Dem Rätsel der Kornkreise begegnet jeder auf seine eigene Art und Weise. Vitali beispielsweise bringt regelmäßig seine Kristallschädel mit in die Formationen und badet mit Weizenähren, um seine Chakren zu reinigen. Denn für ihn steht fest: Die Außerirdische stecken dahinter. Ganz anders sieht das der Mathematiker und Croppies-Chefskeptiker vom Dienst, Dr. Nick Jagiella. Bei seiner tiefschürfenden Analyse nimmt Nick keinen Halm vor den Mund: Alles von Menschen gemacht. Sollte die Erklärung so einfach sein? Frank und Robert sind verunsichert. Doch dann kündigen sich die beiden UFO-Forscher Gerhard Gröschel und Wolfgang Stelzig an. Wird es mit ihrer professionellen Überwachungstechnik gelingen, die Urheber der rätselhaften Kreise zu finden, ja vielleicht sogar Lichtbälle zu filmen? Das Team legt sich auf die Lauer...


I really enjoyed watching this. Thank you for bringing crop circles to more attention. please visit and follow me @cropcircles

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