Secret Government Alien Projects, UFO Crash Retrievals & Growth of Technology 1941-1957

in #ufo6 years ago

Firesign, project, Clinton, UFO, UFOs, sighting, sightings, news, November, USA,, government,.png
Department of Defense and NASA have coordinated on a black book project under the codename FIRESIGN. FIRESIGN’s aim is to create a religious “awe effect” in enemy populations to create an instantaneous psychological soft-kill (abject submission). The operation uses high powered lasers to project realseeming images on the sodium layer 100km above the surface. These images can cover hundreds or even thousands of square miles and can appear completely real, three dimensional, and can move. These visual cues are augmented with pulsed ELF electromagnetic emissions that attack the specific areas of the prefrontal cortex that are stimulated during religious experience. In limited tests, subjects have been able to be overwhelmed on both axis of vastness (an overwhelming of the subject’s frame of reference) and a powerful need-foraccommodation. The mix of these two will produce inaction, lack of focus on self or individual interaction, and gross transformations in mental equilibrium (a Road-to-Damascus Experience). The FIRESIGN scenario is that of an invading extraterrestrial force of nearly incomprehensible scale (massive floating cities descending, god-sized “walkers” among the clouds with terrifying weapons, wheels of fire and eyes, etc.). This phenomena, when activated will bring electoral and social systems to a halt and, in afflicted areas, will permit a narrative wherein POTUS is able to “Call a halt” to the invasion and then “hand over the torch” to Clinton, providing a basic continuity of state.
Project Sanguine
Project Sanguine was a U.S. Navy project, proposed in 1968 for communication with submerged submarines using extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves. The originally proposed system, hardened to survive a nuclear attack, would have required a giant antenna covering two fifths of the state of Wisconsin. Because of protests and potential environmental impact, the proposed system was never implemented. A smaller, less hardened system consisting of two linked ELF transmitters located at Clam Lake, Wisconsin and Republic, Michigan was built beginning in 1982 and operated from 1989 until 2004. The system transmitted at a frequency of 76 Hz. At ELF frequencies the bandwidth of the transmission is very small, so the system could only send short coded text messages at a very low data rate. These signals were used to summon specific vessels to the surface to receive longer operational orders by ordinary radio or satellite communication.
The aftermath of FIRESIGN will be the psychological subjugation of areas where uprisings are most likely to occur. The induced trauma of FIRESIGN will provide ample cover to government and NGOs who will be “providing aid” (psychotropic to induce docility) and counseling services which will ensure further domestication. FIRESIGN will require a great deal of power, mobile command stations with nitrogencooled super-computers, and the co-opting of the ELF arrays. We have created a schedule and teams roster that can be moved into position following the third debate.
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Unnatural Disaster
HAARP is in skeleton crew mode. Subterranean thermobaric devices in fracking mines are untested. Surveys suggest this might not stop Trump voters Unproven techniques / unintended consequences Reactivating HAARP may have PALE HORSE PROTOCOL ramifications
Adaptive Optics
Although active optics can ensure that a telescope's main mirror always retains a perfect shape, the turbulence of the Earth's atmosphere distorts images obtained at even the best sites in the world for astronomy, including Paranal in Chile, home of ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT). This turbulence causes the stars to twinkle in a way that delights poets but frustrates astronomers since it blurs the finest details of the cosmos. Observing directly from space can avoid this atmospheric blurring effect, but the high costs of operating space telescopes compared to using ground-based facilities limits the size and scope of the telescopes we can place off-Earth. Adaptive optics requires a fairly bright reference star that is very close to the object under study. This reference star is used to measure the blurring caused by the local atmosphere so that the deformable mirror can correct for it. Since suitable stars are not available everywhere in the night sky, astronomers can create artificial stars instead by shining a powerful laser beam into the Earth's upper atmosphere. Thanks to these laser guide stars, almost the entire sky can now be observed with adaptive optics.
Project Blue Beam
Project Blue Book is the most famous of the flying saucer projects. Anyone who has looked into this subject has heard of Project Blue Book. In fact, the project was done for the public. At this point the military knew flying saucers were not dangerous; if they were, they could have and would have attacked us by now. And, there was no question of their superior technology. They were just zipping around watching man do his dance on this planet. The military was not afraid of flying saucers, but they were afraid of flying-saucer reports!
Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming. The allegations were presented in 1994 by Quebecois journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast, and later published in his book Project Blue Beam (NASA). Proponents of the theory allege that Monast and another unnamed journalist, who both died of heart attacks in 1996, were in fact assassinated, and that the Canadian government kidnapped Monast's daughter in an effort to dissuade him from investigating Project Blue Beam.
Project Sign
The members of Project Sign were the first group assigned to study flying saucers in the U.S. military. The project was begun as a result of a top-secret letter written by Lt. General Nathan Twining. Twining was the former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army and at the time of his letter he was the Chief of the Air Material Command, Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Basically, Twining was the top dog in the military, particularly when it dealt with aircraft. He was the Colin Powell of his day. He was also in charge at Wright-Patterson Air Base, which is where the military took the crashed saucer and debris from the Roswell incident.
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Project Saucer Project Grudge
On February 11, 1949, Project Sign was officially changed to Project Grudge. Inside the military, Project Sign had been known as "Project Saucer." The existence of the group was leaked to the press and the group's name was changed to "Grudge." (Secret Intelligence Documents on the following pages refer to the "Saucer Project.")
Report Number 14
Report #14 is the most important part of Project Blue Book. Almost nobody knows about it and those who do don't want to talk about it. It is the most important part of Project Blue Book because Report #14 completely refutes the conclusions the Air Force made about flying saucers in the very same Project Blue Book. It's a classic case of "Figures lie and liars figure."
Project Gleem
Started by President Eisenhower to study UFOs. Later became Project Aquarius.
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Project Aquarius
Funded by the CIA, supposedly to gather information about alien life forms through sightings and human encounters with aliens.
Project Sigma
Created for the purpose of establishing communications with aliens. Supposedly a face-to-face meeting with aliens occurred in 1959 as a result of this project.
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Project Bando
Designed to gather medical information about alien races.
Project Pounce
Created for evaluating alien space technology.
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Project Snowbird
Established to test flights of recovered alien spacecraft. Supposedly, it is still going on.


This next part we will look at the UFO crash records and how they go along with the growth rate of technology which seems very suspicious and also very alarming when looked at and I'm only choosing 16 key years here 1941-1957 for a very important reason.
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UFO Crash Retrievals Report:

UFO crash near Cape Girardeau, Missorui.

Crash near Socorro, New Mexico on June 1.
Crash in New Mexico. Robert Morningsky says his grandfather and others found a downed saucer and a live alien while on a tribal vision quest.

Crash in Mexico.

Crash in California, out in the desert. Unconfirmed story about a film the military has in its possession showing a crashed saucer.

Recovered saucer in Kingman, Arizona. Confirmed by firsthand eyewitness Bill Uhouse.
Crash in Montana, supposedly with military and civilian witnesses.

Crash in the American Southwest.

A prototype of the GEE or AMES Type 7000 British radio navigation system was lost on a raid over Hanover, Germany.

Four engineers at Standard Oil, including Donald L. Campbell (d.2002 at 98), invented a process called fluid catalytic cracking, which became essential to increasing the yield of high-octane gasoline from crude oil.

The 1st jet fighter was tested.

The 1st gas turbine propeller-driven airplane was flight tested, at Downey, Ca.
Arthur C. Clark proposed relay satellites in geosynchronous orbit.
The microwave oven was patented. Percy LeBaron Spencer accidentally discovered that microwaves would also heat food.

US Army established the 1st radar contact with Moon from Belmar, NJ.
The 1st commercially designed helicopter was tested at Bridgeport, Ct.
1st radar installation aboard a commercial ship was installed.
A patent was filed in U.S. for H-bomb.
SW Bell inaugurated mobile telephone commercial service in St Louis.
Sep 11, The 1st mobile long-distance car-to-car telephone conversation.

The beginning of Xerox’s copy business.

Edwin H. Land publicly demonstrated his Polaroid Land camera in NYC. It could produce a black-and-white photograph in 60 seconds.
A lens that provided zoom effects was demonstrated in New York City.
Radar for commercial and private planes was 1st demonstrated.
The 1st US ballistic missile was fired.
The 1st 4 engine, jet propelled fighter plane was tested at Columbus, Ohio.
The 1st telescope lens 200" (508 cm) in diameter completed.
Tthe transistor, short for the electrical property known as trans-resistance, which paved the way to a new era of miniaturized electronics.
Bell Labs invented cellular phone technology.
The 1st microwave oven, the Radarange.

The 1st tape recorder sold.
The 1st Polaroid camera was sold in US.
The first successfully produced microgroove 33 1/3 rpm, long-playing, records were unveiled by Columbia Records.Unlike the average record which held 8 minutes of music, this new record could hold 45 minutes.
Bell Labs introduced the point-contact transistor which are found in everything from radios to computers to any of a number of automated systems.
Patent a lens to provide zoom effects.
X-ray reflection microscope for the study of living cells.

RCA introduced the 45 RPM record.
Hale telescope was 1st used.
A gas turbine, electric locomotive was demonstrated in Erie, Pa.

1949-1951 The Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown under the Atomic Energy Commission was the home of the only nuclear assembly plant in the US. Worker health was not monitored. Nuclear operations were moved to Texas in the 1970s.

The 1st typesetting machine to dispense with metal type was exhibited.

The 1st X-ray moving picture process demonstrated.
1st junction transistor at Murray Hill, NJ.
The 1st transcontinental wireless phone call was made from SF to NYC by Mark Sullivan, president of PT&T, and H.T. Killingworth of AT&T.
The 1st battery to convert radioactive energy to electrical was announced.
Process for focusing packets of light energy, an idea 1st postulated by Einstein in 1917.

The 1st video recording on magnetic tape was made in LA, Ca.
The first patent for a bar code type product
The United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.
The United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb, in a test at Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands.
The element einsteinium was discovered in the debris of the 1st hydrogen bomb test.
Stanford scientist demonstrated the new $1,750,000 linear electron accelerator. Its 200-foot barrel fired electrons at 99.99% the speed of light.
Researchers at Bell labs developed the 1st system to recognize numbers spoken over a telephone.

A burglar alarm using ultrasonic or radio waves was patented
WD-40 was created.
Invented Lexan polycarbonate resin, a hard plastic.

1st typesetting machine (photo engraving) used at Quincy, MA.
The US held a nationwide test of its disaster radio system known as Conelrad. In SF a simulated 10-megaton bomb, exploding over Hunters Point, was estimated to kill 500,000 Bay Area citizens.
Bell Labs in NYC announced the 1st solar battery.
The 1st VTOL (Vertical Take-off & Land) aircraft was flown.
1st nonstick pan.

RCA demonstrated the 1st music synthesizer.
The 1st seagoing oil drill rig was placed in service.
1st electric power generated from atomic energy was sold commercially.
1st prototype of hovercraft
Sequenced the 1st protein, human insulin. He later developed methods for sequencing DNA.

Ampex Corporation demonstrated its first commercial videotape recorder.
George Devol and Joseph Engelberger met and formed a partnership to develop robots.
1st Electric watch
Researchers announced the development of Borazan, a substance harder than diamonds.
The 1st experimental sodium nuclear reactor operated.
The 1st military nuclear power plant was dedicated at Fort Belvoir, Va.
Process for concentrating visible light as opposed to microwaves of a maser.

PG&E teamed with General Electric to establish the Vallecitos atomic energy plant, the world’s 1st privately owned and operated nuclear facility.
After warming to 100,000,000 degrees, 2 light atoms were bashed together to create a heavier atom, resulting in 1st man-made nuclear fusion.
CBS Labs announced new stereophonic records.

In conclusion they have many many top secret UFO programs and technology growth rate including everything we most use today was possibly because of some alien technology found or backwards engineered and we can indeed say we have evolved more . This is just looking and comparing only 16 YEARS of UFO crashes and Technology since then there has been 61 YEARS of more UFO crash research and technology most of which is suppressed by the looks of it or maybe even lost or hidden for now and a better understanding of it in another 50 years. Thanks for checking out my articles and reading into some of the conspiracy and some of the Truth. They have probably been advancing us for quite some time these aliens and UFOs- just look at the history and think a little deeper and you can even find more out.

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