BREAKING: MASS SIGHTING OF UFO OVER OREGON, USA! Airliners And F-15s Encounter The Craft

in #ufo7 years ago (edited)

The mystery aircraft was first detected over Mt. Shasta, CA and then in the skies over Oregon on October 25th, 2017.

"A mystery aircraft was flying in daylight hours among the steady stream of airliners that traverse from south to north, between locales in California and Nevada and cities like Portland and Seattle and beyond. The incident began, at least as best we can tell, around 4:30pm near the California-Oregon border and resulted in multiple pilot eyewitnesses, recorded air traffic control audio, and eventual confirmations from both the FAA and North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) that it did indeed occur." Excerpted from THE DRIVE: By Tyler Rogoway, Nov. 15, 2017,

A commercial pilot involved who witnessed the sighting has posted his account on reddit:

"Just landed in Seattle coming from the bay area. Beginning over southern Oregon we kept overhearing Seattle Center attempting to track an airplane with no transponder who wasn't talking. A handful of crews were able to track it visually, best they could tell it was between FL350-370, northbound. Nobody close enough to see the type.

Last we heard it was over the Willamette valley northbound and some fighters, perhaps out of PDX, were scrambled to go take a peek. Center had trouble tracking it on primary radar.

Strange! My theory is they were running drugs to Canada. No news yet, not that I could find.

**Update 0500z. Called SEA ARTCC. The gentleman I spoke with said that they initially got alerted to the aircraft from Oakland Center who was painting it on primary. For whatever reason they couldn't track it themselves on primary, and that's when I overheard them using airline aircraft to track it visually. The last airplane to see it had to descend into Portland and lost sight of it. The fighters were scrambled out of PDX but flew around for a while and did not find it. And that's that." reports:
Air traffic controller confirms incident

The next report came from an air traffic controller who “worked in the adjacent sector”. He confirmed the incident took place and noted that the commander of the 142nd Fighter Wing had contacted the airport and instructed them to keep quiet about the incident.

According to the air traffic controller, pilots on the east side could not get good visuals because of the setting sun (see air traffic control recording below) and North-bound traffic (who had the best vantage point) was sparse. He added that Oakland Center air traffic controllers watched the object on radar and said it initially travelled southwest before taking a sharp turn to the north “way harder/faster than what a commercial aircraft could handle at that speed without ripping the wings off”.

Within hours of posting details about the event, and participating in lengthy discussion with others about the sighting, all of his posts were deleted – then his account was deleted entirely.
Open questions

Given its high rate of speed and altitude, we can presume the object was a military aircraft or true UAP. Although the area of the country where the sighting took place is home to Groom Lake, it is highly unusual for top-secret aircraft to be flown in commercial airspace – especially with other air traffic in the area. Even more unusual would be to fly through commercial airspace without radio, transponder, or radar contact.

The Oregon UFO, described as white, silent and unmarked, was last sighted in the skies around Eugene, Oregon, before disappearing. UFO sightings are common in Southern Oregon, with multiple accounts being reported yearly.

Within days of the Oregon sighting, US Marines filmed a "huge" UFO over Arizona, USA:

Some leaders in the UFO disclosure community believe that President Trump may finally take the lid off of the government's cover-up on UFO's and what has been dubbed the "secret space program" funded by black-book projects. Perhaps these recent, widely witnessed and acknowledged sightings, will strengthen the push for full disclosure.

What do you think!? Let me know in the comments. Thanks! @dakini5d


I'm almost 30 and have been studying ufos & government conspiracies for half my life!
Trump will "accidentally" disclose the info. Because he's an idiot. Regardless, it's only a matter of time. ET contact here, the "paranormal", etc - again just a Matter of time. I don't know why this stuff is still even a question in people's heads. Probably the flat earthers. 😅

I'd be very interested to hear what a person of your age (I'm 20 years older - not a flat earther btw) thinks about Corey Goode? UFOs are a topic I occasionally brush up against (I'm more into conspiracies) and I hear a lot about Goode - both good and not so good. Are you happy to share an opinion? If you have one (I don't - I'm trying to work it all out) :)

HI HH, Chelsea and Andrew, I am also a long-term researcher. As far as Corey Goode, I have mixed feelings/opinions. From a basic gut feeling, his presentation and body language often raise red flags for me. However, when I watch Laura Eisenhower speak about similar topics, I don't have that reaction. Here is a post of her recent interview with Alfred Webre, who was special council to Jimmy Carter on UFOs:

I am now following all three of you. Thx for the upvotes! @dakini5d

Hi dakini5d! Followed you, too. Thanks for your input and the post :) I feel the same about Corey. I can't make up my mind. Red flags all over. So I'm kind of with Dark Journalist on that one. I don't know about Laura E but I trust Project Camelot, who introduced her, I recall. (They've made their mistakes, though). I'm not in the business of slamming people but it's going to look like it here because I also have issues with Alfred Webre! I am one of the many people who view him as a Luciferian gatekeeper. I used to adore the guy until I had to have dealings with him. There's one video of a Webre interview with Ole Dammegard and Carine Hutsebaut in which Webre is clearly pushing a narrative. I may be wrong so I'm not going to post the link (and of course Ole and Carine are OK) but there are also inconsistencies in his Kevin Annett interviews (one moment they were best friends, the next Webre was blackening his rep - strange behaviour for a "Judge").

Good to meet you:)

Great to meet you too!

Hi chelsea and healingherb, I'm an ole fcuk and have investigated this for over 40 years. I think one has to consider Christian Gnosticism as an explanation for all the shenanigans on this planet.
Recent finds in 1948 clearly state that the greys especially are the consequence of material manifestation; that is to say, ​they kind of came along with all of this much like CO2 comes from burning fuel. David Icke's reptilians are mentioned, too, but I'm not clear on what they are (if they exist).
I think it's clear that TPTB are lying about many many things but it's the nature of a civilization premised on lies that would make it near impossible to figure out the truth of any particular matter.
To be sure, though, the social consequences of the lies of 911 are leading to the complete breakdown of society as all trust has been broken and anyone with any sense at all knows this to be true.

Hi @andrewmarkmusic (I just followed you - nice). You both know so much more about this than I do. I would love to know about the Christian Gnosticism because tbh, those ideas look a little attractive from the very small amount I've read. If you had some links it would be really useful. (Later edit - no worries, I'm reading your post on it atm.)

I agree with you about trust. It's very difficult to know what's going on or what the overall mood is in different countries but the 911 questions are not going away. And mistrust is measurably decreasing.

I feel there could be more than one interpretation of "clearly state that the greys especially are the consequence of material manifestation; that is to say, ​they kind of came along with all of this much like CO2 comes from burning fuel"

First, why the greys especially?
Second, do you mean the results of material in terms of greed or?
Third, reptilians live among us. They are shapeshifters. They are frequently newscasters because they're good liars

Hi chelsea, apologies, in fact, there isn't much that's more obscure than Christian Gnosticism. That particular take is one of a few different creation myths within Gnostic​ texts. It seems these non-biological life forms came into existence via Sopha and like the Demiurge were not intentional. I've only experienced the subtle realm mechanical spiders which are quite creepy and have something to do with the constellation Orion. I've never experienced E.T.'s so I'm generally more prone to spiritual interpretations of this phenomenon.
I'm completely open to Alien speculation, though, especially after a close friend showed up at my door last year claiming to be the alien Kah-Len-Nezu from the planet Lyra--a walk-in​ apparently. So you'll always have my ear on this subject although I remain a skeptic about almost everything including my own Gnostic leanings. I have decided to be a voice of Christian Gnostic mythology though...My Steemit blog contains a ton of knowledge on the subject. Yes, please link when you get to these topics.
Kind regards:)

Thanks for the thoughtful response. Headinh over to your blog =)

I'm glad you are not a flat earther =)
I believe more of people like Bob lazar...I'm iffy about goode. Really no opinion neither good or bad there.
Have you read zeti child or stranded on earth?

Hey @chelsea88 I see you are a woman of discernment on the earth's curvature :) Very interested that you are iffy. As is @dakini5d. I haven't read either of those books but I'm checking them out now....stranded on earth sounds like my life :)

At everyone, i didn't "trust" even before 9/11
Some people are "woke" from a young age from either good or bad or neutral reasons.
I HAD documented accounts of my personal UFO sightings that got destroyed on my old computer. Hmm, sounds like a conspiracy. (Kidding No i was just a dumb 15 y/o who let my laptop get infected)
The fact that i could get no real answers about my own "unexplained" experiences has lead me to be even more misyrustful of TPTB and strongly opinionated in a lot of ways
(PS strongly opinionated doesn't = close minded!)
I am going to post about my UFO sightings soon and will tag you all in this post

I can't wait to hear about those. I never trusted either. David Wilcock describes it well - perhaps you are a Wanderer?

I always thought I was just "an empath" @healingherb but, according to wilcock those terms seem to be almost interchangeable. I think i have some wanderer in me

I think we are all wanderers by birthright! Check out this amazing new vid by Wilcock:

I agree Chelsea, I think the more we trust our own experiences and gut-level knowing, the better off we are in resisting the social engineering campaigns to cover up the SSP and the break away civilization tech.

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