What Is THAT in the SKY ? Humanoid , Ship, or Both ?

in #ufo6 years ago

Lets recap first ..

As we said in prior stories ... The Color Representing the Messiah's Reign is ...PURPLE! Well watch on and see how it continues ...to reveal itself during these End of Days ....

We are not going to waste your time with fake eye candy. Everything we are sharing here is REAL. Listen to Angelus Domini. He KNOWS. You can imagine how he knows.
Quotes the Imperial Regent of the Lord
Below at 3:33 those are older craft that have been stationed here for a very long time, though technically they are still part of the Lord's Heavenly fleet.

There is a great deal of truth and detail in the video that is real and if you stay tuned more will be revealed to you very soon!

Knowing that there are other life forms that we refer to as "Aliens " now coming to earth at an increased level during this time, makes you wonder ..Are they here to make ready for the Great Day of the Lord ?

Well it is not too far fetched. It may not be the norm to us, but it is that time to expect the unexpected.
Sooo... Why is a humanoid flying over northern Baja Mexico? (duh! LOL) Angels ?

But other then just watching over our North American Sanctuary in Baja, people are spotting him all the way from North America to South America. 😇
Mysterious UFO looks humanoid as it hovers in the sky above Mexico

While driving through the Mexican state of Baja California recently, a woman took out her camera phone and filmed what is being called the first alien UFO sighting of the new year.


UFO is filmed in the sky in Mexico as expert claims aliens are 'increasingly monitoring us'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5259295/UFO-filmed-Mexico-Expert-claims-aliens-watching.html#ixzz5CLkxnMZf


Additional Such Stories Here

Same at 4:49 mark in Brazil. 😉


Now check this out below . You might wonder if this is real, fake , a planet or what on earth ? This is a SHIP! It is about the size of a city that has been positioned to make ready to rescue the worthy. There are many like this one , some smaller, some larger. Soon you will see varying sizes, types for various purposes.
The below requires Facebook

Angelus Domini quoted to a member of ours while examining these videos of which he often has to throw them out as FAKE, but these are REAL, so the questions begin

Angelus Domini replied to Sarah
Sarah, those are essentially "city ships", but during times of mass evacuation or emergency, they can be used to transport very large groups of people.

I know they seem huge, but they are actually quite small compared to some of the ships that the fleet has now brought into the inner solar system... Like some of the larger ones being videod regularly by the SOHO sun camera

Sarah Kelvin replied to Angelus
Angelus, Then one can actually cover the whole earth? Are the Anunnaki already here and I mean in their actual form and not an incarnate human?
Like3Show likes8 Apr at 2:24 amReply
Angelus Domini
Angelus Domini replied to Sarah
Oh yes.

Sarah Kelvin replied to Angelus
Angelus, Is it Lord RayEl or an angelic?
Like1Show likes8 Apr at 3:23 amReply
Angelus Domini

Imperial Regent Angelus Domini
I'm not authorized to say anything more about it... Just yet. 😉
Cardinal Samantha Kennedy
My gut says yes - gives another meaning to being seen in the clouds just like his appearance over the old twin towers on 9/11

Speaking of ..Recently we posted stories similar and a video was produced talking about it !
The events that took place in the sky on January 16th, 2018, are life changing. What was thought to be a meteorite by some and covered just to look that way was actually the fall of Satan from the Heavens. Don’t believe us, the actual video is just below but first, here’s Archbishop William Scoggins with the full story.





Need more evidence ? Ask and you shall receive!

There is MUCH MORE TO COME, SO STAY TUNED, but PREPARE for the Great Day of the Lord Comes Quickly!

Sources and Credits
God and His Son
Angelus Domini
Holy Bible
I do not claim ownership of these videos, stories or pictures
Secure Team.


OMG Yeshua ( RAYEL) has parked His
space taxi in earths atmosphere !


Everyone has been saying different things about this. Now I understand what it was ;)

I can image that some of the ships are extremely massive in size. I could also imagine that some might even be so large that they make Earth look tiny in comparison... but that is me and my imagination

The signs are all around us, strange phenomena all around. People need to realize the Messiah is here and is waiting for them to come to him

Very unique share.

In service to the Lord, we've been blessed to see many amazing sights. The Kingdom is very close.

Thanks for including me!!

This is all pretty wild! I still waiting to see more here in Baja ;)

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