Secret Firefighter Elevator Easter Egg Key Port, allows any elevator to become a jumproom, allowing teleportation to underground bases, under sea bases and to off planet moon and mars colonies

in #ufo6 years ago






It's fun to realize that there is a secret network of elevators out there which can all be used as portals since teleportation can be focused on any elevator and allow any metal box really, to host a teleportation jumproom circuit just like Aaron McCollum and Andrew Basiago tell us about. And i have met and shook hands with Andrew Basiago and maybe I shouldn't have because he mentioned in one of his talks on Coast 2 Coast with George Noorey, that he had inter Dimensional disorder ... and he shakes on a molecular level so call me shakey hand ackza the friend of a tome traveller who partied with Barrack Obama and other CIA people on mars with 3.5 inch diskettes that weren't available on consumer markets yet ... yeah i also talked to Laura Magdeline Eisenhower, Eisenhower's great grand daughter and I need to get her and David Wilcock and Kerry Kassidy and project Camelot and ASHAYANA DEANE on steem! We need more Ufologists to make data dumps and Wikileaks style dumps on steem blockchain for its censorship resistance.... steem was designed specifically for ET disclosure to avoid mandella effect memory hole scrubbing because with steem you can know that all your data is woven into the moon matrix and backed up so many times its impossible to modify and erase people.... so we basically won the ascension Olympics and it was all really thanks to me sticking to my principles and my krystic geometric keylontic science... if i had not done that and without @disregardfiat and @dlux-io and my plan to eventually hire full time 3d game makers and designers who can animate keylontic geometry and mske a REZ style game where you fly through the ascension mechanics... its what Jesus was actually teaching... he taught real specific protocols for ascension . he didn't just speak in metaphors and do a few parlor tricks no Jesus taught his people to ascend with very specific ascension mechanics and that's what I'm doing with steem and SMT and project Xanadu and keylontic Scientology. Tom Cruise really will bring about a new golden age

Steepshot_footer2.PNG Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Web

I think its a new type of elevator. I've never find the type here

and it has a lot to offer as well

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