Better than UBI: Providing 🏡 housing 🏡 Better and Cheaper.

in #ubi7 years ago

There has been a lot of talk, and a huge push for Universal Basic Income. (UBI)
I do not agree with UBI on many fronts the least of which is that UBI is downright evil. The method I would choose if I wanted to destroy a people.


But, lets talk here about what everyone arguing for UBI actually wants, and see if we can give that to the people better and cheaper.

The proponents of UBI want no person to go without food, clothing and shelter. There idea is to give everyone some money each month to afford these things. And they believe that giving them money would make sure they get these essential. But, what guarantee is there, that a set amount of money will afford food, clothing and shelter?

Lets say that we gave everyone $500 a month to afford housing. If there was places to rent for $390 the day before, they would immediately disappear the day after. All the lowest priced rentals would become $500 a month. Further, there would be corporations that moved in to make minimalistic apartments for $500. What ends up happening is that for $500 you rent a room in the slums. And, the money that UBI gives you goes directly to the bankster's friends. The ones that the bankersters gave the really good loans to, to buy up all the cheap properties that will be guaranteed to rent for $500.

Don't believe me? Then research New York City and rent controls and slum lords.

And if you believe the infusion of money would make it all better, just look at Harlem. If throwing money at the situation helped, then Harlem would be a shining beacon to the world. But, it is worse today than when they started.

I would suggest, if we want everyone to have housing, then we build a house for everyone. With a fraction of any federal budget we would care to look at, we could build a tiny apartment for every person in america. And, when we finished building them, the only cost would be maintenance. We wouldn't be giving the banksters and their friends money every month. Throwing money down a hole that would never be filled.

The price for new home construction is about $100 a square foot.
If we built everyone a single bedroom 400 sq ft. apartment, that would be about $40,000.
$40,000 / $500 a month = 6 - 2/3s years.

If we built everyone a single room 250 sq ft. apartment, that would be $25,000
$25,000 / $500 a month = 4 years.

And, we could probably get this price down even further with newer construction methods and not using full appliances, or no kitchen at all. We could get it even lower if we used shared bathrooms.
We could get it even lower if the community got together and built it with donated labor and materials.

So, four years, as opposed to paying someone's rent for their 70ish years of life.
That is quite a savings. A savings that every tax payer would enjoy.
And, most cities have much higher rents, so their tax payer base will enjoy even greater savings.

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An important point is that these tiny apartments need to be built by the communities. If the federal govern-cement built them, they would shortly become prison cells. When they are built and maintained by the community, they are a source of shelter for any who fall off the ladder for whatever reason. If the govern-cement built them, it would be a move everyone into a tightly packed, tightly monitored housing project. It would become the only housing, as the entire population of America was slowly moved onto reservations.

For all of those people who are currently arguing that if we had UBI, then each person could make the choice of where they lived. That just building places to live would limit people's choices. However, this plan would not limit them, and will probably make it easier for someone to live where they want.

In many of the high priced areas, UBI wouldn't afford them even a shared bedroom, so UBI would have the opposite effect as it inflated those prices even more. But, actually building rooms for everybody would lighten the load on the existing housing, making them far more affordable. So, if you really wanted to live somewhere, you would find some way to make money, and work out how to afford it. Knowing, that if you fail, you always have a place to go.

Another very important part about just providing housing, instead of providing money, to buy housing, is that there is a group of people who cannot manage their affairs to pay for housing each month.

Further, providing housing straight to the people will probably cost less than just the administration costs of section 8 housing. The only reason that we do not do this is that the banksters can't continue making money with ever increasing mortgages. And the banks run this country.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


I really like your proposal, of course it seems much better in the long term than the UBI.
In the short term it would generate a large number of jobs, benefit local consumption and create a more sustainable model.
But unfortunately, this goes against the model that the great economic powers are trying to impose.


I have always been one to cut across the grain.
And, it seems that now is the time to go against those "great economic powers".
Getting the ideas out there, then soon... boom, free tiny apartments will spring up everywhere.

If you want better, go out and build or buy it. But, if you want to be warm and dry, we also, want to be warm and dry.

It would be great.
In my opinion now we have a very powerful tool to be able to achieve it.
At least that was the philosophy with which the crypto were created.

I think this is a much better solution. I believe this was Gadaffi's intentions for his people. He believed that a home was a basic human right and that everyone should be entitled to one simply for being alive.

I think the problem is that most people buy into the illusion of scarcity and don't see this as a viable solution, but if they only knew how many homes were empty in this world. There's no need for anyone to be sleeping on the streets.

Except the banksters, they should be out on the street for killing people trying to maintain their illusion of scarcity. But, actually, I do not wish them harm. I wish them to stop harming people.

Great stuff. When communities build things together, they also get the benefit of interacting and building 'community' amongst each other.

The less we interact with each other, the more our needy seek government options to assist them. The more a community can pull together to help the needy the better. It all comes down to this:

Joe is down on his luck. Joe collects unemployment forever. Joe doesn't feel bad about it.


Joe is down on his luck. Joe has to go, hat in hand, to his neighbor and ask for charity. Joe is supported by his neighbors, community, churches. Joe feels pressure to get a job because he has see the faces of those providing for his and his family's livelihood.

also, resteemed! You should talk @scottsantens down from his UBI ledge!

I have tried, but I get to blasted over there. To much energy lost.
So, I am trying to write some alternative and better methods.

Thank you for the resteem.

And, the most important thing, is we know Joe, with hat in hand, and we know what he needs. If that is a swift kick in the behind, we can do that. If its opportunities, something will turn up...
Joe isn't some statistic.

So quit your job, get a free house? What happens when you get a job? The government pulls you out of your house? This just sounds like Welfare with more benefits. A UBI would just be a better solution to our economy in general

Sorry, you are not making a logical argument. Your statements apply more to UBI then my proposal.
What happens when you get a job? The govern-cement stops paying your UBI?
And, what part of UBI is not welfare?

My plan would be to build 330 million tiny apartments in america. And not through the govern-cement who would just put locks on the outside.

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With UBI, everyone gets it, no matter how much income you make.

With Tiny apartments for everyone, everyone gets one, no matter how much income you make.

AND, you should research just how well govern-cements do with giving out a payment each month. People who are living on social security suddenly stop getting their paycheck. They go to SS and find out, that is because they are dead.

Down in Australia, their is a govern-cement stipend program. Now, many of the people who were getting a check now owe thousands of dollars??!! before getting any more!

In America, EBT is a card, that gets filled every month. You would think that would go without a hitch... but no, there are all kinds of problems with it, personally and regionally.

It's an interesting time to be in. Lots of things changing rapidly, from the internet to AI to govt's

I don't think UBI would necessarily be a terrible thing, but because of the ones implementing it and the nature of our current form of capitalism, it would most certainly be devastating and lead to crazy inflation like you mention.

You'd need to set fix prices on the basic needs, which wouldn't really bother me, except then anything above the bare minimum would shoot up in cost and become hard for anyone aside from the rich to attain.

Yes, there are ways to make UBI work, however, UBI is being pushed by the central banks to be another way of printing everyone into debt. Basically, it would make everyone poor. Everyone would live in the slums/ low rent housing.

I feel there are far better ways than UBI to achieve the stated goals.

UBI in Russia, after the collapse. People getting drunk and dying, because their meaning of life was gone.
There is paths far better than this.

Really scary idea if the government, bureaucrats or AI system running housing/food distribution had fascist leanings!

It is indeed. If govern-cement was in charge of "free" housing, it would be a jail cell for everyone!

Thus, such things need to happen locally, by community. So, if someone becomes a tyrant, you can walk over, sit down and have a nice chat with them.

The things is, even individuals and small communities can become tyrannical or fascist in nature.

Another point: How is this different from being caged animals/slaves who are allowed to move about as they please? Is there choice in where one lives? Are the rich going to live in little houses too? This feels like an awful idea to me.

UBI would make society less dependent than it already is. Unlike this scheme, it can enable man to reach his full potential wherever and however he pleases. It actually promotes a lot of freedom to develop and contribute value to society.

Here is a link with a list of trials of UBI and cash transfer schemes -- showing very positive results.

In the plan I outlined above, everyone would get a tiny apartment. If they want anything more, they can go out and buy / rent it.

This would have the effect of making all housing cheaper, as everyone has an option to go live in their tiny apartment.

A community can always be tyrannical. But, if its local, you can do something about it. If enough people are upset, the community will change.

However, UBI will always be tyrannical and fascist in nature. It is by definition. At any point, any govern-cement offiial can turn off your UBI. No, its not supposed to happen, but then, SS is not supposed to be turned off either, and you can read about those horror stories.

Building tiny apartments costs us one time.
UBI costs us over and over and over.
You understand that on a mortgage, if you ever pay it off, you will have paid three or four times the amount of the purchase price. Now, extend that out forever. Compound that over the average life span. We will pay 9 to 15 times for the housing at full market rates. Compared to 0.25 paid once.

UBI money doesn't come from nowhere.
UBI is a scheme to make the banksters ever more rich.

I urge you to check the facts (links below) because you're making emotionally charged assumptions about UBI without any basis on how it works or how it would be run. UBI should be enough to cover reasonable rent/food/utilties in your area. It would be cheaper for the majority of the population. If your UBI gets turned off, which by definition it can't because it's unconditional basic income, most people would still choose to work. The longer someone is unemployed the higher the likelihood of depression -- the trials prove that people actually do want to create value and contribute to society.

A partial UBI trial in Alaska actually decreased inflation. Poverty, empowerment, wellbeing increased in UBI and cash transfer schemes, run since the 1970s. Please check links below.

The banks would still "run the country" as you say even with your scheme, regardless of who manages each housing slum. In fact, psychologically it would be worse for society because it promotes an even bigger dependency on the state than we already have. UBI isn't perfect but it's better than what we have.

As for property prices, all of it would even out because people would no longer need to move to cities for jobs/money as they did in the first place.

In the system espoused above, the banking industry would lose much of its grip from "run the country".

The longer someone is without meaningful work, the more likely they are to become depressed. Being unemployed, or being unemployed with a stipend doesn't help depression.

$7 a week was enough to rent a good place to sleep and 3 meals a day. So, $7 a week is a good UBI?

And you still ignored that Social Security stops paying people. And you expect that UBI couldn't/wouldn't be turned off at a civil servants whim?

I think you're missing some basic facts and the premise behind UBI. I'll stop here :)

I feel that you are missing some basic facts about govern-cements.

Lets take a look at Social inSecurity.
Which is UBI for old people.

Now, if you are an old person and a The US citizen, then you get SS, right? Nope, you have to jump through a million hoops.

And, you would think with a system as big as SS that they would get the monthly payments right. Its like they use it to exist each month, so its really important. There are many times when SS is stopped for all kinds of reasons, including you're dead.

Any SS officer can fuck with your life at a whim.

Further, SS is supposed to go up each year along with inflation. But, the way CPI is measured doesn't account for necessities. So, CPI says 2% inflation. The grocery store says 10% inflation. So, every year you have to live on 8% less money.

These are facts.
This is an actual UBI in operation.

Yes, I can understand the utopian vision of everyone getting money every month, week, day, and that money is enough to cover your needs. But cold hard reality sets in, and things are not like that.

Whenever the pieces of UBI are tried on something other than a small local thing, it has disastrous effects. These are facts.

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