NYC Passes 1st Minimum Wage for Uber, Lyft, & Rideshare Drivers | Are Uber Drivers Entrepreneurs?

in #uber6 years ago

Hey what's up guys, figured we'd chat about Uber today. I think Uber is a fascinating business and a fascinating business model and they've been in the news a lot lately.

Uber has an upcomming IPO. As of yesterday New York City passed the first law in the country forcing Uber, Lyft and other rideshare companies to pay drivers a minimum wage, and also Uber leading up to the IPO is going after a few Uber driver Youtubers so I wanted to talk about these issues today.

I also thought it would be fun just to stir up a discussion about whether or not Uber drivers are Entreprenuers or are they just self employed gig economy workers? Drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

Anyhow, a lot of stuff to discuss here today. Would love to hear your thoughts on these matters. Drop a comment below...


So much for the gig economy saving free markets.... let Uber, Lyft, and others build amd continue to refine business models that charges competitive fares to riders and offers equally competitive compensation to drivers. The free market will sort itself out without these minimum wage mandates.

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