@ubasti signature-post-20180501

in #ubasti6 years ago (edited)


will not vote back in the name of @rudyardcatling on accounts that have a top post older than seven days , im sorry
resources are limited so
thank you for the vote in that case
edit at Thu May 3 06:33:02 CEST 2018 : well it was clear that would happen sooner or later : it is no longer possible to backvote tit for tat on every single upvote, for which i apologize but that's clearly unavoidable even at the lowest levels of success so it will be at my discretion hopefully not forgetting too many people who help me out, its a big world

? let me think about that, i have it but the phrasing i do not
so i'll put that here then , shall i ?

this will be mainly for botting and support of @rudyardcatling, anything i can come up with that doesnt require anyone to send anything but a vote this way

first things first

i would like to thank @zerotoherobot for making me aware second accounts don't have to be all about promoting your own spam, and bots dont need to ask for money in order to give back. All it takes is votes, so without wanting to copycat, i will, somehow adopt the same principle here, as a main function on this account, there will be no re-steems and no other posts than updates to the mission statement, the distrobot to vote on and the distrobot divide results. I will not have the exact same ruleset and i dont even have a bot but i can start manually just like @steemitbasicincome still does parts manually and they have zounds to wade through

second things second

-anything missing goes by the original, anything newer overrules the original

  • 1 100% vote for @zerotoherobot, every cycle (make that day or something) for getting me the idea for as long as its account is active (and this one ofcourse, it is possible i get hit by lightning or meteors rain down for offending the all-seeing eye (which used to be Horus)
  • 1 100% vote for my original account, every cycle, because i will be maintaining this and i'll be doing the programming and everyone else can get whatever share this account can give just by putting in a vote, i think thats nothing but fair and not too much to ask from an account i paid for myself
    -1 100% vote for my big sister since we had to pay for her to be born after all and the more she has the more there is to give
  • 3 100% votes, randomly distributed with every division of whatever the distrobot made after seven days, for every post so once that starts after the seventh day that will be 3 reseverd votes every day, if there's less than 3 votes then the remaining will go to the next
  • the next : all remaing votes will be used to backup my original @rudyardcatling, either by backvoting or empowering

funny how seven days, the time it takes for one beat of the divine heart is what you get to make your post worth while on steemit, i guess the dude must have been an enki bilal fan or something ...

don't forget if you read this to check @zerotoherobot and @steembasicincome , if you please and have the time, nothing lost by looking and i doubt you'll be disappointed

im better at what i want than at what i am supposed to

always have

always will be

since it's my account and my bot , we are ofcourse :

mainly why i didnt wanna until i found @zerotoherobot giving me the spark i suppose ... if anyone wingnut or religious (nut) feels offended by my references to ancient egyptian religion or mythology then i feel sorry for you

because for one thing, i dont tell you what to believe in, i think you should believe in what makes you feel comfortable without pushing others to think like you do and moreover

cats have been worshipped as gods for over 5000 years, that a bit more than baby jesus can claim

so dont go about beheading them okay or i'll come after ya :))

if this makes you feel like you shouldnt then please don't it's free for all but obliged to none

i'll always speak my mind

have a nice day

long version --->

i'mm gonna put this in -signature post-

i would again like to thank @zerotoherobot for giving me the idea and i dont consider it stealing the idea i consider it more for everyone who wants to

The Essential idea of this particular account is :

  • one post per day anyone can vote on, at the cashout time, the total amount of sbd gained will be divided among everyone who voted.
  • if, by any chance, the total amount can not be divided among the number of voters then :
    -- all votes below 10% will be discarded from the list and the division will be calculated again if still not possible
    --all votes below 20% will be discarded from the list and the division will be calculated again and so on
    --if by any magical chance its not possible by the time there is only 100% votes left, the total will go randomly to one of the voters, excluding (in that case) @ubasti

im trying to be complete here but i'm not much of a drafter so i'll do as i go along, because that is how i roll

  • on top of that, after payout and division, three (3) 100% upvotes at whatever SP @ubasti has at the moment of sending out will be randomly given to any of the voters (in this case, regardless of voting percentage weight) so anyone who votes can always win something, even if its a 0.1% showvote at 1SP

  • under normal circumstances since sbs works in pro-mille division should be possible, in which case @ubasti gets an equal share just like everyone else who voted on it, thats the only thing i take for me, i think thats only fair

This probably looks very unpolished and barebone but nonetheless since i have the account i want to start today, every vote counts and the more sp the more i will get to give away. I will render some kind of mascotte in blender with my l33t renderskillz but the programming and digging into the api ofcourse takes precedence, after all i want to keep focused on the main account while this one does its thing and backs me up when i'm out of 100% votes

if you got spare votes , please check @zerotoherobot (who is not me or affiliated in any way) and pop one out there too, there's absolutely nothing to lose, thats where i got the idea although that and here is not completely similar and probably won't be, and why should it be, but both ideas are that all you have to invest is one single vote at any percent power

i'll get smug with marketeers later for asking nothing in return, and not even try to get your phonenumber or email lol (yagh sorry ... my sense of humour there)

please just be careful not to vote on a post like this if its over seven days old ... because if you do that then your vote is wasted
i will not promote this in any way but by resteeming on my original account and ofcourse if i vote someone up for voting on me @rudyardcatling and i do from this i'll reply with a "kind regards of catling"

whatever i can come up with that doesnt cost more than a vote and fits within the framework of one single account and bot i will try to apply after i am satisfied with polishing this one ... and adding a little colour to it, i am in no rush and the only thing you who reads this needs to feel is that you lose nothing at all by trying, if i scammed you out of one vote and dont cough up lol, then id be an idiot

seven days : the time for one beat of the divine heart (enki bilal)

this is not the final format, but this is my idea of starting

scratchpad, wether you do or dont

good luck with whatever , please remember downvotes are wasted votes , putting people in power over who can do or say what is what government has proven not to be able to make work and

if you don't like it now, you can always check back later, no obligations, no requests

the 10% pledge is something i made long ago before Titans walked the earth once more, and i stick to that , when i got a chance

for every 10sp i gain i enroll one person in @steembasicincome with the next 1steem i can muster witout uploading fiat money, that's a 50/50 selfish thing, but still 10% of what i get, i dont see the complaint since its me giving, its random, there will be no "you did more this or we talked more that" im just not clear what pool to pick from on @ubasti yet but ill get to that
i'm not a titan, i'm but a preacher in the church of satoshi but shin-sekai won't work if everyone just hog everything for themselves , it only works if you share the wealth, that's one of the core premises
you dont have to believe me, but i have this feeling most experts on crypto wouldnt even know where it came from and certainly werent around then and there so ... this message and post is under construction but the distro is on, all proceedings WILL be divived according to the ruleset, no one will be asked to send money, if you do or delegate don't ask favours in return



m hm, w.i.p ... but the payouts are being done so if you cant stand the chaos then please find something shiney to vote on, i'm not a marketeer but i put my cents where my mouth is lol, it will take time to be visually attractive unless i bump into some designer gf irl ... and whatever, nobody is forced to participate
but if you didnt, remember what you missed out on later :p


Hey @ubasti,
Your post "@ubasti signature-post-20180501" hast just been resteemed !!!.😝😝😝
By following me, you have achived this service.

🙃😝🙃 Thanks for being with FREE Resteem Bot @tow-heed😉😄😉

haha one fish caught 4 you catgodess ;)
ancient #egyptian #pyramidpower & cats ;))

:^) i admit there might be a slight obsession with cats ...

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