France yellow jackets: do not negotiate the crumbs

in #ua6 years ago

Christoph Schallonson, one of about eight semi-official spokesmen of the French opposition Movement (Yellow Jackets), said he would not take part in talks to "negotiate crumbs" with the French government to stop demonstrations on French streets in protest against fuel price rises.

Laurent Fauquier, president of the largest opposition Republican Party, called for a referendum on Macron's transition energy plan. Jean-Luc Melenchon, president of France's proud party, and Marin Le Pen, leader of the far right, called for the dissolution of parliament and the call for early elections.
This comes as French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe talks with opposition leaders, while President Emmanuel Macaron discusses ways to defuse a crisis of demonstrations sweeping the country in protest at the rising cost of living and led to widespread rioting and sabotage in Paris at the weekend.

The so-called "yellow jacket" was a surprise when events broke out on Nov. 17, a daunting challenge for the 40-year-old president as he tries to salvage his popularity, which has been shaken by economic reforms seen as biased to the rich.

Protesters looted Paris' finest neighborhoods on Saturday, burning dozens of cars, looting shops and smashing windows of luxury homes and cafes in the worst unrest in the capital since 1968.
The "Yellow Jackets" movement includes supporters of different ages, professions and regions and has started online as a spontaneous reaction to raising fuel prices, but has turned into a broader expression of anger at the rising cost of living for middle class people.

The movement has no clear leadership, making the talks more complicated for the government.

The Government is looking for a way to communicate.

Macaron says fuel taxes are part of his drive to fight climate change and he wants to convince French drivers to cut off diesel-powered cars and turn to less polluting fuels. He said on Saturday he would not deviate from his policy objectives.

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