@tyrnannoght : Updates, 20200802

in #tyrnannoght4 years ago (edited)


"It was not apathy. It was an intelligent disinterest in those things that could have no bearing on one's existence."

― Tanith Lee, Red as Blood, or Tales from the Sisters Grimmer

Some posts explaining (on steemit in this case : ) -

(how to register the steemitwallet-account used with the website)

At the moment :

@tyrnannoght combined vote 0.029343215464562 STEEM(!)after payout - 2 Sunday Aug 2020, 2:30 UTC
These , F.a.q and contact form and info can be found here

  1. The Burning, 28 : Spotify dude feels 'artists' cant hack it if they produce only one album every four years (??! he probably meant pop-tarts burning on impact with the atmosphere?) . Zuck is gonna break up the U.S. government ... everyone seems to be expanding their horizons from a certain treshold of zeroes in the bank and up. Me i'm just gonna do whatever since it doesnt matter anyway. More and more i come up with "storage space" ... the idea of 'everything on the server' is long gone since i would need a datacenter if i had an actual playerbase ... 4 million bits for simple boolean FoW on the first zone , thats not even 'states' that's just 'has seen' or 'not has seen' ... by the time i get to the second zone i need over a gigabyte or maybe four per one player, just for the savestate ... procedural wont hack it, not for what i want so unless i find the fractal theory of everything and i can start with a big bang and vectors to end up with the same states over time in every timeline no matter where they split ... "storage space" :) ... well, even if its going nowhere and no one ever plays it, that at least keeps it interesting for me. The dialogue system is something else since i dont feel like having a container for an npc with about 15 sentences it keeps repeating... THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH and so i thought back on the day i thought about computational linguistics to get the interactive interconnecting feeds on steemit going and i think there would be some merit in it, but not the whole masters degree ofcourse. AND SO ..(it begins ? ) nah ... eta 2150 and the planet will collapse in 2040 at the current rate in this timeline (or 'society') so im not really hard-pressed ... unless someone has 100 million euros i can have up front ? that would open up options ... no ? well, didnt think so, GUD , fine then...
  2. The Burning, 26 : assuming every byte counts on parsing lengthy 'readable' names in variables seem over the top since its just ZeroDesign and Syntax Error here - ... so its probably best to cut out a few now instead of later with a lot more grep to it. Whatever it is, its at least proof of 'on it' even at 2 bytes per day a lot more than lots of early access after four years still in early access ... i dont think early access applies, but none of the terminology will since im a rank amateur hobbyist and i have zero intrest in 'sounding' like a pro lol
  3. The Burning, 25 : lofty and stuff ... php treats a '0' string as null too? Do they really teach you all that in super-school ? do they ? i don't believe that for one second but im sure they talk a lot about objects and subroutines are evil (so why does asm still have jump , never mind) - but yes, '0' = '' = null while -1 to inf and 1 to inf seems to be true .. m hmm mhmmm
  4. The Burning, 24 : mmmyeah ... patreon = life , heh ... no clue what it costs to get just the camera for those textures , let alone the studio mats + plane tickets to get there (i have no idea where they get it) safe to say : studying culture back then the last time before you wrecked my life for good "enabling" people was part of the masterplan a LOT ... patreon certainly enables broke bums like me ... textures is one thing - i can handle the avatars for the NPC's with what i have in blender perfectly as the shots of morgan and spicey should have shown by now - but i am not an artist like im not a developer .. 3d models, core models in the public domain of anything animal- and monsterlike seems a logical step ... (ofcourse, if i had besos-money i could buy a whole team and keep them in the basement, ... but i dont) - but mostly ... and AGAIN... i never been a big fan of JSON, its for lazy people who cant read (im not allowed to say that actually since i'm a broke DEGREELESS bum with no record of silicon valley startups) and its heavy , like python on a supercomputer , having limited resources like "50 megabyte per database" i just theorize on "what if i had like 100 players (not even 1000) ... i run out of space all the time ... and again : serialized array to keep track of storyline status (although its not a story as such but certain parts ofcourse have event sequences like everything would) = 430 bytes (at the least), custom structure : 90 bytes ... case rested, decoding JSON is even SLOWER than implode / explode on top of that, + it takes up more network traffic , there's literally nothing good about it but 'easy', eh ... that's the age of add-another-teraby and no-coding for ya (mais bon, dikkenek gilzeker , bon bon ... at least im on it more than 90% of 'early-access' which turns out to be take the money-and-run(again)) - pride ? (im not sure if i still have that, they took about everything including a big part of my sanity ... but maybe i never had that in the first place and i just learned to emulate in order to survive) - u-huh, well myea in this case json_encode just adds 2 more bytes since its a completely empty, non associative array with only small integers(at zero each) ... anything above that adds plenty and afaik json doesnt keep data types, yes? No that's the thing about custom , this one-size fits all , the reason why pc-gamers CURSE the living daylights out of console ports among other things : you get some game that's built for 2 year old hardware (which is a console on the day its released for sale more or less) ported to your l33t megamoney rigger crowd who feels insulted since its simply re-compiled, not even optimized with a few tweaks, let alone customized to take advantage ... and suckers buy it anyway ...serialization has its advantages but internally it takes up SO much more space and ... o wait ... i forgot .. i havent received the pay for the lecture yet (el-Mao, well point made ... im being very criminal and gangster again, as usual - i just threw your lovely daughter in the well too)
  5. The Burning, 22 : updates ... a relative concept but safe to say im more 'on it' than the people who are STILL selling dark and light as early access ... there's no laws for that, right ? consumer protection ? well mm ... i was just lying on the floor taking lessons in meditation from ShiroGiHeh (his latest name) and i realized : 4 million bits (flags/booleans) is half a million bytes, is 500 megabyte give or take ... for a small/starter map like washed-up beach 100x100 tiles each have 20x20 subsections(representing 250m²), on exploration data like "the map you know since what you last saw" (if you dont go out much and you find yourself one block down it might have changed a LOT since last time) : bottom line : 500 megabyte per player exploration data for one zone, i cant possibly keep that on the server. Is what i was thinking (among other stuff like : govt contemplating extra new lockdown measures as cases rise, southside they doubled in a week and a 3yo kid has died from it) and other stuff like the universe and stuff, is what i was thinking ... system requirements : celeron cpu , 2 terabyte of Hard Drive space lmao ... hemm, well celeron probably not, although the website and the phaser bits can do that the client is just testrunning in proto-mode on an amd 4300 and a radeon older than yo momma, 3d at 30fps but turnbased ... so far so good - thats a shitload of data and i dont want all-procedural, ... mountain ranges ... established settlements 'n stuff . PBR horde coming up in the spotlight ... if i had besos money i could give everyone a dollar but probably ... if i were besos id just give them a dollar to steal their stuff, heh ... (so it seems)
  6. The Burning, 21 : wether its been an update to any of the used applications or another hole in space i have no clue but i find myself modifying stuff from a month ago that seems to have worked all the time but seems to bypass all the checks included - ... for no reasons given, so microsoft is probably involved ... yes, i hurr "ONLY SPEAK WHAT YOU DO WELL" ... that way EVERYONE can get the silly notion they can program the WoW-killer and take over Unreal Engine 6 , because its EASY and nothing ever goes wrong .. with a BIG smile and Positive ! and you end up with a lot of broke people in debt with broken dreams ... OFCOURSE ! lets have apple teach everyone no-coding from scratch! the governments will pay ! ... and after that : EVERYONE a STEM-career ! ... i honestly dont know why it wont take what it took since i didnt change anything and it obviously worked since i didnt notice for a month - "the ghost in the machine". Be careful ! i think they saw a guy with a cat holding a cup of coffee, there seems to have been red alert and a lot of noise in thirdspace ... Yea ... best i can think of is due to how php treats 0 (zero), it seems to be able to be a statement by itself and also the same as NULL and/or false which can lead to some confusion and return empty as well. Which does not explain why i only now find that it doesnt give the 10 lines of error i put inthere, b/c i DID check those and more than once by now . BUT , ... all my switch statements have "its impossible to get here" as default (which it should be). So we are VERY excited to announce that we never had any bugs in the 50 years it took to develop and no one made a single syntax error, because we are always positive and life is never bad ! , and THEN : ERROR : failed to get byte from memblock 1, offset -197 is greater than memblock size 50 in main ... "shit happened" the worst error is NO error - or is it, C, precious, sql doesn't show in apache-log there unless you manually print it ... it basically comes down to my own browser so i cant just print error messages in the response, you see ? do you ? then why are you still telling me - 8am, savestate a4 ! hallelujah - should have taken 30 minutes, took 3 nights cuz cant focus, interrupts en drukkerland is hell, but dont talk about that, you only have to tell them how GREAT you are ! (and be excited about it) while smiling ...
  7. The Burning, 19 : wow , despite the incessant background noise and the something in the air b/c the silence is too loud, SO loud it is suspicious (but what is not in hick-hell-hole?) i think i might actually go to the first server call ... for movement .. all that was covered on the washed-up beach phaser <->php scripts but this is different and i think those things they put in my food have caused more permanent damage. The compiler is acting funny again. I THINK maybe i cant use a variable to a constant or something its really funny . Maybe i should scrap again and start from scratch in C , its not like its going anywhere anyway. Like this life you stole from me :) (<-big positive smile!)- oh wow ... this fixed itself in under 5 minutes ... constants are like linux substitutions here, what i wanted was global, OKAY ! ... gud .. still doesnt explain the FPS wobble but most of the compiler stuff (i assume) will make sense one way or another - it kinda has to or it wouldnt work (bad practice is for oil in pipelines, no one but me has to read it , i wont fall for that again)...u huh ... so #constant bla variablecontent() would work but constant bla bla wouldnt if bla = 0 et al ... global a$ = '' ; a$ = bla$ would work but global a$ = bla$ wouldnt ... its dawning, i dont see why but i guess it will have its reasons
  8. The Burning, 16 : so ... there's do while and repeat until available, not just do (exit) loop ... that will sure come in handy, time to rearrange and throw out the dishwater then ... as for choice, im perfectly willing to let someone who can't swim walk into deep sea or water, but terrain that cant be walked cant be walked, i think the UI can accomodate that far (so far) ... but im supposed to be lofty i hear , and DO things for the world that didnt for me ... i dont think thats gonna happen though, you wasted my life, now you're wasting time , yours AND mine ...
  9. The Burning, 15 : although 1 mystery showed itself ... b/c the cursor was still moving around but not visible the pointer actually hits the cursor (even if its transparent it marks the whole plane - ofc ...) so it only highlights the borders that dont show the cursor over it (even when invisible) ... which now makes total sense, but still not the FPS-thing, the FPS thing is time-related, not "that many hours running" but early morning related ... like someone is trying to poke in and tap without cables attached ...

    Yea ... given the language used to program simple visualizations like that is the least, ... asking it what tiles can be reached for moving depending on fog of war / terrain type and (future) skill-dependent (water the simplest example i suppose) turns out to be something else hah hah - also translating to a full map i.o 'just the' 20x20' mapwindow (where every tile has 20x20 subdivisions at zoomlevel 1) up to 100x100 at zoomlevel 0 which is like actually a pretty small map (relative somewhat to the size of belgium and a half i think i did some math for reference) ... storage space ...
    and that's not for the multimedia = lol

    Screenshot from 2020-08-01 08-35-47.png

    "delegate" they say (but not on steemit, on steemit you need to manual your way through 2020 and spend 7 days for cookies lol - well, i still think it feels a lot better without the major downvote cartels but im not really very active anymore) - so, me , myself and i , ZeroDesign and Syntax Error - for lack of thousands of dollars worth of equipent CC0 texture sites are REALLY el shiznit

    this one from pbr horde but using substance painter

    Screenshot from 2020-07-30 04-52-29.png

    "is it worth all that digging?" if you think it's not maybe you should go worship spotify Ceo-man and pump out five games a month plase an album and 20 videos on spotitube ... after all, "thats what it takes these days"

    I fear ... it is what it is, its not a product and ... substance painter itself is one of those sign of the time-wares. You cant even buy it and i think the "indie license" (whatever that means, probably something like you can save one texture per week to your drive) is 20 dollar a month ... hilarious pricing unless its what you do for a living and nothing else or
    unless you're microsoft and you just rent a whole studio and have 200 people working for over 2 years on your one single mega-rpg ... and in their case its probably tax-deductible to lease (hahalol but im actually looking forward to it, for ONCE AGAIN(in a long long time since a galaxy far away or two), a microsoft product caught my attention and it's not b/c of heartburn - OWH, the "you cant say that like that hacker on meth misinterpreted HEH... LOL @you lewzer) They should have stuck to games from the start, they're actually pretty good at that , but thats the only thing i can think of there, WTG SATELLIUS !
    So ? when can i have windows for gamers ? where i can strip everything i dont need to run steam and directx / gl games?

    not ? yea ... sucks to be you (xept the money)

    gud, Tschuess, before it tries again (see i WROTE ... i do, i did, i actually wrote all the updates TOO, i just didnt write those NOW ... and im not gonna promote 'structures in belgium' for cookies, sorry ... but you can pay me up front if you need something ?

    no ? well, gud then, thought so ... you're just gonna have to find someone else to be your doggie then

    Decided to use some of our yearly budget of : currenty : 0 euro (lol haha) to spread some love so :

    Tyrnannoght is now proud (albeit very small) sponsor of :

    • CC0 textures : https://www.patreon.com/cc0textures

    • Tiled : https://www.patreon.com/bjorn

    • Phaser : https://www.patreon.com/photonstorm

    • theres certainly a few more i wouldnt mind showing appreciation but for now 0/3 = 1 . I'm looking into one for mine but i have contacted the ministry of soviet culture first to see if im actually allowed to keep a dollar for myself without being a tax-terrorist under the current conditions and states and if not if maybe it would be allowed to just swap it for stuff like hosting or hardware for machines to work on. I doubt ill get the 5000 or more a month needed to just get the documents and fees to start up a registered business any time soon and i sure as hell dont need THE state to come up with another way of taking everything+1 for the umpteenth time heh ...

    @tyrnannoght holds:(20200612)

    There seems to be more crap going on. Steemmonsters (splinterlands) fled for HIVE ... (no comment) but steem-engine expects me to use a keystore-app that's provided by ... yabapmatt ... i DID trust them to be fair and straight since i considered them into business, not politics but with this im not really sure ... i certainly dont trust handing my keys to something made by someone who just skips ship regardless of clientele and expects everyone to follow, it must be one of those american things that make zero sense overhere . So these numbers are month-old at best and i can not find another way to transfer and update. All it says is "steemconnect deprecated, please use keychain (by yabapmatt ...)" ... somewhat un-acceptable.

    • GG : 6103 staked #GG (#steemace good-game tokens), same thing, community is very much alive , like anything on steemit you get the same people in the trending section (wink) so its normal and alive , and also : hoping to see them expand on the options in the future, get creative with whatever these things can do, if possible find ways to go about keeping it alive even if steem-engine were gone ...
    • UFM : 5153 staked , #UFM .. @upfundme #upfundme ... it's ... upfund me !
    • the others are quentities not really worth mentioning
    • several coins seem to have disappeared from steem-engine with no warning or refunds - caveat emptor

    for the websites and other platforms scroll to the bottom of the post,
    i check telegram once a day and will try the reply section on @tyrnannoght once a day but im not online 24/7 ofcourse

    all images, code, programming, foul language, and about everything else copyright 2017 - 2150 alleycat.be (unless it is made available on opengameart or unless it is available on my sourceforge bit ) - trespassers in my cables will be shot, trolls will be marked ... survivors will be hung outside my window with their head on a pike on my driveway as a warning

    i'll put up discord, facebook and the likes as it becomes available

    the product will not make you rich nor will it make you popular or beautiful

  10. no salespitch

    no mediahype

    the game is NOT open source, neither is any of the code around it ... (to me that makes perfect sense actually)

    *Shrouded in mist* *on hilltop lies* *the City of Night*
    (tyr - nan - noght)

    for more you can check out :

    pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/alleycatd0033/

    The Youtube Channel (click) (youtube channel will be cleaned up a little and posting of videos will be less frequent, its not a tutorial series after all ...)

    twitter : https://twitter.com/tyrnannoght

    Facebook four or five weeks later they're 'reviewing my submission' still i dont think doucheberg likes me much

    any questions about anything, you can drop a note on telegram at : https://t.me/tyrnannoght

    discord : https://discord.gg/hkF4FtR (i check discord at best once a week at the moment, if anything were ever urgent its best to use the contact-form on site or drop a note on telegram for now)

    any kind of abuse (spoofed email spam or anything at all), please drop a note to report at : https://t.me/tyr_abusereports

    The goldmanmorgan actual website :

    The @tyrnannoght actual website (where the game will be, moving servers atm ...

    steemit Tyrnannoght community : here


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