@tyrnannoght : the game is still on but eta is even more indefinite

in #tyrnannoght6 years ago

As life continues to try and pry male genitalia up my behind i'm afraid i'll have to ward it off and after that re-inforce the breaches in my adamant tower (i had hoped upgrading from ivory would fix it but alas the steemprice is against me).

I see from afar the good content writer paladin faction has nearly lost the war completely against the ultimate mechanics of the superior blockchain tech, which is imo quite unavoidable but if they didnt WASTE so much resources on ENFORCING their view a lot less animosity would have been created. I dont pay much attention as i need to get my time and night back in my hands even if it means going back to the halflife that was left and far from the life i need AGAIN. But from all i see the magic dice and drugwars get a lot of traction, steemmonsters is far from dead but the avalanche has started. As these things go everyone will want to be the DJ and my crystal ball lady tells me many more will follow, most will fail, some will take the money and run and a few will gain a foundation to stand on built from groupies ... what happened to chibera btw ? Last thing i heard they wanted a quarter million dollar to go beta ... competing with games that dont i think that's gonna be hard but i dont know so i wont speak out. As for me (i should say, WE, right? as skitzos are never alone) the few precious seconds of focus i have left go to the website first (which is not the frontpage as i work in a separate folder and then still most is done with ajax / jquery so basically your sourcecode while show only the first loaded page anyway (and yes im an amateur i just know how to learn by myself). The intent being to make as much as possible happen serverside to prevent any kind of packet-modding or firing or whatever they came up with since. First priority is a secure login system to link @goldmanmorgan accounts to the site - after that i suppose i'll need to think on an exchange system as the games themselves will rely on goldmanmorgan coin - which means free to play as long as you vote (which im not allowed to ask but i AM allowed to ask you to send me credit card numbers or sbd (strange EULA but that's none of my business either) - which means making actual steem relies on inter-trading whatever is available, even accounts ... why not ... its none of my business
E.T.A. : nAn, i expect at least a few months before i can ward them off (no im not going to jail precious, but basically its still a cell with bars made of no money, yes)

did nothing saturday, i once more witnessed...
there is no place in the world better suited to the understanding
of the basic concept of entropy across the metaverse
than in ones kitchen after 24 hours
of not going against it

the dark Catling

Today is Thethawing, 20 in the Year of Standing Ground

Weather: Conditions: 20 F (-7 C) - Overcast Wind: From the SSE at 7 MPH Humidity: 85%
Pressure: 29.94 in (1014 mb) Location: Dudinka (RS) Altitude: 223 m
Time: December 9, 2:30 AM MSK Observation Time: December 9, 12:00 AM MSK

simplified weather sim for now :
no rain


npc specific

Ole' Spicey

olespicey goes about his daily business
status : working


#theshadydealer has made 10 tin from shady citizens



playerlevelmax actions this round
Bartholomew Fetyplace(citizen-trait)x
Subject X14x
Subject X13x
Hippodamia Wizzelpenning(citizen-trait)x
Yvon du Mont Morencyx
Ingelward Duclos(citizen-trait)x
Bulettooth Hannah(citizen-trait)x
Garrelt Upert(citizen)x

limbo npc in reach : Charon(npc)

the washed-up beach

playerlevelmax actions this round
Esmour Kingeston(citizen)x
Roshan Lankaransky(citizen-trait)x
Thrasymedes Moca(citizen)x
Alys Beauson(citizen)x
Ula Haafenstaagel(citizen)x
Amphelice Ailemer(citizen)x
Qiao Si(citizen-trait)x
Beatrix Bacon(citizen-trait)x
Avina Van Biesbrouck(citizen-trait)x
Matilda Downer(citizen-trait)x

washed-up beach npc in reach : 'ole Spicey(npc)

the western tunnels

playerlevelmax actions this round
Sibilie Rimbaud(citizen)x
Jonathon Underhill(citizen)x
Tryphosa Posh(citizen-trait)x

western tunnels npc in reach :

the mudpits

playerlevelmax actions this round

mudpits npc in reach : One Eyed Wozzard(npc)
The Shady Dealer(npc)
blind Melon(npc)
The Backstreet Boys(npc)
Hard Hands Harry(npc)

the eastern tunnels

playerlevelmax actions this round

eastern tunnels npc in reach :

the forest down-below

playerlevelmax actions this round

forest down-below npc in reach :

the dungeon down-below

playerlevelmax actions this round

dungeon down-below npc in reach :

  • authorized commenters yesterday : 0
  • valid comments yesterday :0
  • last version of text excluding media was at 7.300% of max size for steemchain
Symbols are the key to telepathy. The mind wraps its secrets in symbols; when we discover the symbols that shape our enemy's thought, we can penetrate the vault of his mind.

Lady Deirdre Skye
"Our Secret War" (sid meyer alpha centauri)

no explanation on anything available as its not open for any but testing and -ers (there's basically also nothing yet)

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powered by : @steembasicincome @steem-ua @incinboost

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