
AHAHAHAH! This is hilarious.
Imagining you writing in these conditions, exactly like Moby Dick yes!
And YES! I managed to read it and I also liked the blue ink.
When I lived in Nepal, I didn't have electricity for 6 hours every day, so I had to save on batteries all the time. I had to manage when I will be running out of power and internet as well, and sometimes it was depressing.
Now that I look back, I learned so much from that experience and I was so much more in connection with myself and with the nature. I became so creative!

When I was a young child, our family would spend summers in a rustic cabin in the woods of Vermont - no running water, no electricity, no toilet, no insulation, no windows, it was very primitive. I remember reading and drawing by candle light. But summertime is one thing, winter is a whole different ballgame...Spring must be around the corner, it just has to be! Y'all stay safe ☺

One more storm on Wednesday, they're sayin'. Fingers crossed it's little, and the last.

That cabin sounds amazing. My grandparents had a similar place in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. I got to spend some time there in '92 - long before it meant withdrawing from the internet. And the candles and propane lamps were a huge part of the appeal.

But in the Winter, man, they had to park at Snowqualmie pass and snowshoe in - and then dig 15 feet down to the front door. Fun for an adventure but I wouldn't want to live there!

Wait did you say "no windows?" Now that is primitive!

March will be gone before we know it, hopefully Jack Frost takes note of the calendar too.

Your family's cabin sounds like it would make for a peaceful retreat. Wooded mountains are so magical! The windows at our cabin were actually made of thick translucent plastic stretched across openings in the walls. So there were windows, but not quite like proper windows. Staying there was a memorable experience for certain.

Wow. Can't remember the last time I saw a working typewriter. Keep safe!

On your point about Moby Dick and War and Peace, @cmp2020 and I frequently talk about how difficult it must have been for the great composers to write music with just pen and paper, and with no computer to play it back for them to hear if their thoughts actually sounded the way they expected. It really is amazing what people can accomplish, even without technology.

That always amazed me too, especially since my sight reading skills were never the best. My piano teacher could look at a score and actually hear it. She'd hand me a collection and say "pick out one you like," and I could only say "well that one looks pretty." Spotify would have meant the world to me in those days.

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