The Story of a Sufi Woman: Rabi'atul Adawiyah

in #ty7 years ago

The Story of a Sufi Woman: Rabi'atul Adawiyah


The queen of Love is born in extreme poverty, There is no cloth to envelop herself, No oil a drop for her navel polish, No light to illuminate her birth, She is the fourth daughter, So called Robi'ah.

The father sadly thought about this, Want to borrow or ask, has become a taboo for him. All he hung on Allah, In his sorrow he dreamed, Meet the comforting Prophet, "Go to Governor Basrah, and say," Every night you send sholawat 100 times to me, and every night Friday 400 times, yesterday is Friday night and you forget to do it.

As a redeemer of your negligence, give this man 400 dinars, which you have obtained lawfully. "

The Governor also gave what the Prophet wanted, Plus with 2000 dinars for the alms of the poor, Suffice already for the needs of the Robi'ah family.

Until other speaking circumstances, Famine struck Basrah. A criminal kidnaps Robiah, For then sold in the slave market for 6 dirhams, the Employer buys it and gives it heavy duties. During the day Robiah works while fasting, Evening is spent on mujahadah and muajahah with his Rob.

Proximity switched to aqroban, Keaqroban brought him to the longing and longing had brought him to his love for his Lord.

"I belong to Him. I live under His auspices. I let go of everything that I have got to Him. I have known Him, because I live "

One cold night, the master felt anxiety in his heart. So he walked behind the house, examined his surroundings, examined the keys of his house.
And when he came near the warehouse where Robi'ah lived, his shock made him nervous, the light he was holding now was thrown somewhere.

How not, when he poked his head into the room where Robiah rested, He was seeing robiah running the prayer, Dan ... .. And above it was a bright light. Not a lamp, because that light does not depend on anything.

The next day, Robi'ah was summoned, her master expressed his wish. He freed Robiah as a slave. Now Robi'ah is free. Although the employer hopes that Robiah wants to stay in his house, he chooses to go away from the surrounding community.

And he found a little cave on the edge of the village. Stay there. One spring day, Robi'ah enters her residence, Then she looks out because her maid calls out, "Mother, come out and see what the Creator has done" "It is better that you are the one to come here" "and witness the Creator own.

I am so engrossed in staring at the Creator, so what do I care about His creations? "Robiah said from within.

One night because he was too tired, he fell asleep. A thief slipped into his house, and stole his veil. But he did not see the exit. The veil is laid, the exit is visible. The veil was carried, the exit door was out of sight,

There was a voice, "O people, there is no point in trying.
For years Robi'ah has served us. Satan himself did not dare come to him. But how dare a thief dare to take his veil. Get out of here. If a friend is asleep, then the Companion wakes up and stands guard "

When a friend drove a rich man who wanted to give his golden money to Robiah, Robiah said, "He has provided for those who pursue him. Will He not provide for those who love Him? Ever since I knew Him, I have turned away from His created man. I do not know whether a person's wealth is lawful or not. So how can I receive his gift?

In lonely and desolate nights, In his longing with the Creator, Robiah murmured and prostrated, "O Allah, whatever you will grant me in this world, give to your enemies. And whatever you will give me in the Hereafter, Give to Your friends, For You alone is sufficient for me "

"O God, all my labor and all my desires among the pleasures of this world, is to remember Thee. And in the Hereafter, among all the pleasures of the Hereafter, Is to meet You. That's how I am, as I have said. Now do as you would "

Rabi'atul Adawiyah is one of the greatest srikandi in Islam. He is famous for the nature of wara 'and sentiasa become a clever class reference because he never run out of hujjah. Follow between exemplary stories of him ..

Karamah dan Keutamaan Robi'atul Adawiyah

One lonely night, at a time when people are sleeping soundly, a thief has tried to get into the cabin Rabi'atul Adawiyah. But after searching for something around repeatedly, he did not find a valuable item except a jug for the ablution, and that was ugly. Then the thief was in a hurry to get out of the cottage.

Suddenly Rabi'atul Adawiyah rebuked the thief, "Hey, do not get out before you take anything from my house." The thief was surprised because he thought there was no occupant in the hut.

He was also surprised that this time he had met such a kind host as Rabi'tul Adawiyah. Habit of the host would be screaming for help if there is a thief entering his house, but this is another, "Please grab something." said Rabiatul Adawiyah again to the thief.
"There's nothing I can take from your house." said the thief frankly.
"Take it!" said Rabi'atul Adawiyah, pointing to the ugly jug.
"This is just an ugly jug." Answer the thief.
"Take the pitcher and bring it to the booth, then take the ablution using the jar, then pray 2 cycles, so you have taken something of great worth from this ugly cottage." Reply Rabi'tul Adawiyah.

Hearing those words, the thief had a shuddering feeling. His heart that had been hard, became soft as amazed by the words Rabi'tul Adawiyah it. Then the thief picked up the ugly jug and was taken to the water booth, then performing the ablution.

Then he performed the 2nd prayer prayer. Apparently he felt a sweetness and a sourness in his soul that had never been felt before.

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