Twitter employees try to turn up the heat on Elon Musk

in #twitter2 years ago

What do you do when a guy is going to take over your business and publicly announces that he is going to let loose around 75% of the workforce? Well you threaten him of course right? That will get you what you want for sure.


Recently I read an article that is clearly heavily skewed to the right by a little known outlet called Becker News. The article, if you can handle the obvious partisanship is quite amusing to read. I say that because Musk has proven over and over again that he is a bit of a business master and virtually everything he touches achieves success. I don't understand his motivation to purchase Twitter but it appears as though it is going to go through. Personally, I can't believe that piece of crap is even worth an estimated $44 billion but that does appear to be the case.

The letter made by certain Twitter employees, who I presume are afraid that their jobs are going to be the ones on the chopping block started out their open letter like this...

"Staff, Elon Musk, and Board of Directors:
We, the undersigned Twitter workers, believe the public conversation is in jeopardy.
Elon Musk’s plan to lay off 75% of Twitter workers will hurt Twitter’s ability to serve the public conversation.

They went on to make a list of demands of Musk and the future board about what their demands are and they included a whole slew of things such as guaranteeing their job-future. While they don't make specific threats, the overall tone of their letter is one of delusion in that they appear to believe that they are what keeps the lights on at the company. With statements such as "Without our work, there is no Twitter" they seem to have a seriously different view on what value they actually bring to the company.

Elon isn't without his flaws, as are all of us. However, no one can argue that he is very good at what he does and when he says that he is going to lay off most of the staff, I believe that this decision wasn't something he just chose willy-nilly.

During Covid, the San Francisco office made headlines when they had a total "work from home" system put in place. They made more headlines when after the "green light" was given for people to return to work, the people at that office rallied to continue working from home, some even citing a continued fear of Covid as the reason why.


During his first run at taking over the company he insisted that all employees would be required to work at least 40-hours a week in the office they were employed by. These San Francisco employees responded in a way that only an entitled brat would: They refused. In addition, the State of California has threatened to sue Musk if he tries to enforce that people with jobs actually go to work.

I don't really understand California politics or the Cali mindset. It seems so distanced from basically any ideals that I, or anyone I know actually has. However, if California does try to force Musk to do something, he has already proven that he is not afraid to use his very deep pockets to simply move the company somewhere else, like he did with Tesla when he moved their headquarters to Austin, Texas.

I rarely use Twitter and do not understand the allure but when I read stories like this, even when they clearly have a right-wing view to them, I actually want these entitled people to lose their jobs. I know it isn't nice to wish ill on other people but I can't imagine being so "head in the clouds" that I believe my group of friends can make veiled threats to one of the world's most arrogant and wealthy people and not have there be any repercussions.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks. I am sure people are going to go mental over it. The question remains though: How are they going to express their entitled outrage without using the very platform that he is buying?



There are probably excesses. But 75%?

yeah, that does seem a bit high but what do we know? It could have been bloated from the start. I reckon we'll find out soon enough.

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