The Lockdown Saga - Day 3/21

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The lull of the lockdown

Day 3 was almost like any other normal day sans the urge this time...I guess it was a Friday and the body and mind knew that subconsciously. I guess this is the first instance of the lull of the lockdown making it into the conscious mind.

Reading books with a mind traveling far and wide in each minute is a difficult affair. I have not moved an inch on the book front, have to make a conscious effort to find some substance in the books of my choice. There is a lot to learn still...especially about my mind first!!

Bringing back a hobby

Quite some time back, I had started an exercise to calm my mind and those around me by searching for great positive quotes and make creatives out of it. I also started a Facebook Page called PositiveMe - I used to find a good quote every day; use that to make a poster, and post it on the page. Used to take 5-10 minutes of mine, but I really loved the idea. This was way back in 2018 when I was probably less busy as I am these days. But that hobby soon got laid back.

Continue reading here: The Lockdown Saga - Day 3/21

Also, do check out my FB page - POSTIVEME - when you get the time. Do like, comment, share the page and posts. There are some powerful positive quotes from great thought leaders and visionaries.

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