Battlefield of the Balls. Twentyfourhourshortstory by @sweetjoy

The Battle of the Balls
There were two strikes in the eighth inning with two men on first and third bases.

Grip had just thrown a stroke but he was suffering from allergies.
Ahhhchoo!! Grip sneezed, this time four in a row.

The crowd booed because of the stalling but Grip just wiped his nose and rolled his eyes.

Up to the plate was Big Bruce. The crowd went nuts cheering for him because hit three home runs in the last game.

"Big Bruce!! Big Bruce!!
The crowd was going wild.

Grip had a plan to hit Big Bruce with the ball to take him out.

Grip and Bruce's last name was Ball, no relation. So at this point of the game it was Ball against Ball.

It was the world series and this game meant the world to both teams.

The teams were both underdogs and had risen to the top only to play each other.

Bets for both teams were about even.
Players seemed evenly matched.

Their past scores in no way reflected each teams odds of winning because their victories seemed like flukes.

Grip threw the ball. It was clocked at 11mph.

The ball was fast and full of energy.

It hit Big Bruce in the head with a loud crack that was heard from the stands.

Bruce fell down right away and did not move.

The ball was stuck in Big Bruce's head.

Everyone rushed over to him to get a good look.

Coach Riley cautious but curiously bent down and eased the ball from his head by twisting it.

The ball popped out and with it were wires and copper peices.

The crowd gasped and murmered.

"A robot.." .floated throughout the crowd.

The referees huddled and one made an announcement.

"World Series won by default by California Cucumbers!!"

The team and the crowd went wild.

The loosing team picked up their robot and slowly did the walk of shame to the locker room.

The coach said"Don't be sad boys. I bet on the other team!! I'm rich!! Now let's go to dinner on me!!"

That night...both Balls had a ball!!

The end.

Written by @sweetjoy

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Have a wonderful day!!
Post& Pick &Story by @sweetjoy


Interesting, great work

Thanks. Love Dem locks.
I grew some for 8 years. Very nice!

That's great, you welcome. Nigerian??

Smile:) thought you just called me Joy

Sure I
You are right on target

Wow! How come you translate my name, You understand what Hayo mean

no...just intuition I

Ha! 11mph is pretty slow for a pitch. That's like underhand, I am going to assume the pitch was 111mph. I enjoyed this.

Yes. I wanted to edit but I have been so busy trying to move I forgot. I didn't wanna Miss the deadline. Sorry I will do much better. Standards...I know.

HA! Not an issue at all. It just made me chuckle. Thank you again for participating.

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