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RE: We’re headed to Madame Maxime’s at the edge of the universe - fan fiction - @mctiller

While reading your interesting story a question came to me: do you write non-stop from the beginning until the last sentence or do you plot, think of ideas, make drafts, edit etc...? Some people can do both... To me it's difficult to write lineary.


Only for the 5 minute freewrite do I write nonstop. Otherwise, I pause, think a minute, type, pause, go google if "chit" is still a word Brits use, type some more, pause, look up Harry Potter quotes about Madame Maxime.... yeah. I take forever! Thanks for reading, and rest assured, you don't have to be a "linear" writer. Plotting is fairly useless for me because once I start writing, I always get derailed and a scene that played out in my mind while doing dishes may never see the light of day in the story I try to write with that scene.

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