Of Man and Machine [Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 5]

This is my entry into the 5th #twbpoetrycontest where the prompt was to write a poem with two segments—each segment being different from the other—while the title reconciles both.

I chose the concept of man and machine—biological versus artifical—as my theme. Another difference formed out of it as well: emotion versus logic—irrational and rational.

Of Man and Machine

Created in Canva

Numbers and lights make up your mind.
No tears nor smile show in those eyes.
“Will you ever know me—truly know me?”

I work my hands bare, the sores show.
You stare and run your programs.
“Can I ever teach you—truly teach you?”

Your body, silicon and alloy,
stays motionless; curved perfectly.
“Will I ever have you—truly have you?”

A soft touch, my skin meets yours–
artificial and biological.
“Will you ever feel this—truly feel this?”

Stepping back, smooth limbs twitch.
Neon green eyes glow, staring.
“Will you ever see me—truly see me?”


Processing sensory input:
appendages one through five.
Zero, one, one, zero, zero...

Analysing data fragments
of contaminated area.
Compiling information sets/

Optics detect subject’s structure,
Applying Pi—non-symmetric
formation of facial features.

Source identified: Dr Ohm—
Relationship: creator.
Human; flawed, emotional.

Gesture received. Location: arm.
Calibrating expectation...
Error 404: Not Found.

With thanks to @thewritersblock editors for their feedback. Always appreciative for the wonderful work the editors do for us.

The end result is my application of their feedback.


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Really love this poem, you capture the two sides very well. Seeing how this has grown, it amazes me again, what can be done and elicited by what are seem to be simply words. Well done!

Thank you, Noby, and for your feedback! Indeed, yes. I find that's what attracts me to poetry--the importance of each word and its impact on the whole.

It is a really nice piece. what really caught my attention was the 4th stanza which seems to express romantic love between man and machine. There is an AI expert living in the US currently married to a female robot he made. According to him, the robot will be able to carry his child very soon. The world is becoming crazier by the day.

Thank you, Eddyson! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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