Music & TV Way Back Challenges (Day 3 for TWB)

For TWB?

Yes TWB. @thewritersblock. This is day 3 of a seven day challenge and to help @gmuxx pay back his loan to get over here from Europe, I am sending all the liquid SBD proceeds from all 7 posts of this challenge to The Writer's Block. I want to meet you too man, and I will, so this is my way of saying thanks for making the sacrifice to come and helping out. I know it can't be easy, I've done my fair share of traveling abroad and expect it will be commonplace again soon enough. See you soon!

Wayyyy Back

This is day two of both my #tvshowwaybackchallenge (initiated by @saffisara) and the #musicwaybackchallenge (started by @greek-trail). Since Sara tagged me for both of these (thanks hun), and I promised I would do them, I am making them both in the same post(s). So, here we go!

The Music

For my third musical choice, I have one last one I will use from my single digit years. Once again, and I don't know why, is one my mom would always sing along to and I still do too to this day. Not that my dad didn't play cool jams, just these ones stick more. This one in particular, I remember her singing with tears in her eyes as we moved to Minnesota. You hear me speak of the dust in my eyes, well... this song is called "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas.


The Lyrics :

I close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity

Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind

Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind

Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy

Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind (all we are is dust in the wind)
Dust in the wind (everything is dust in the wind), everything is dust in the wind (the wind)"


The Boob Tube

Who didn't like the underdog? The ultimate underdog for me appeared in Rocky III. Being a big fan of The A-Team, I always liked Face and Mr. T. Enter Clubber Lang. I really related to this guy and how he worked his way up and actually had to go kind of storm the press conference just to be noticed. I've had to do things like that and imagine I will still have to do some things like that. Not that I want to, but sometimes, people need to take notice, and Clubber, made sure he was noticed. I included a song that keeps my mind sharp too.

You can join either of these challenges too by following the rules/guidelines:

  1. ➿ Choose one song or television show from any point in your youth.

  2. ➿ Write a few words about when & where you heard the song or watched the show for the first time, what it means to you, and/or why it holds a spot in your memories.

  3. ➿ Try to write your text while listening to the song or watching an episode. As soon as it ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.

  4. ➿ Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.

  5. ➿ Mention one person who should do this on each day.

  6. ➿ Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge or #tvshowwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post.

You're Tagged!

Since this is two challenges, I'm tagging two people. You can do both or pick one, but I hope you participate. Let's see, let's see, let's see... How about master engager @c0ff33a and the up and coming @robertandrew. I imagine they'll have some good posts from these.


@snook made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png


I love that song! " . . . all we are is dust in the wind . . ."

MMM, me too. Can't hardly sing it without there being dust in my eyes ;)

The A-Team has to be one of my favourite childhood shows, to be fair I could sit and watch episodes back to back - it has a timeless charm, especially when you consider how many rounds of bullets get fired yet nobody get's hit - and every rolled vehicle show's the occupants climbing out and dusting themselves off!

I really do want to have a bash at #tvshowwaybackchallenge , but after spending the whole day working on a post I am still not happy with and now will not be posted until tomorrow, it's going to be tricky to fit doing it in.


Can always split the days up, no where does it say consecutive days ;)

is among my favourite songs... wow! i guess am not the only one that loves good songs😃

Nice musical choice with "Kansas and Dust in The Wind" I used to like watching the A-Team also. Though if I had to go back to my single digit years for a pick of TV it would be areal real hard choice and pretty much a toss up of "The Rat Patrol" - - loved the jeep through the desert scenes - - - Or one of the very first "Goth Style" shows on TV, and that would be "Dark Shadows" Very cool soap opera type show.

Oooh Dark Shadows was good.

This is very challenging, I am very waiting for the participants to make an interesting.

back with a vote :)

Mr. T, the toughie who was afraid to fly... Loved The A-Team too :)

Lmao you did watch the show!

I so loved that Kansas album. Over the years have had the vinyl, 8 track. cassette, and CD
Remember the Mr T lunch box?

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