Doctor Who New Year Special: disappointment!

in #tvseries6 years ago (edited)

 I watched the whole 12th season of Doctor Who, with Jodie Witthaker as The Doctor. Yesterday I watched also the Special, aired on Jan 1st instead of Dec 25 like in the past years.

My opinion? A great cast, both Jodie and the Doctor's companions are amazing. But the stories, well, so flat and simple and trivial! Maybe the stories in the season run by Steven Moffat (the previous showrunner) were too complicated and filled with references to the old seasons of "Doctor Who", but this 12th season of the new series, run by Chris Chibnall, is far too trivial.

Okay, maybe the production wanted to reach new fans, not only the old Whovians. But I am disappointed.

What do you think, @steevc?

(In the pic, a scene from the last season)


@crystalpacheco; what did you think?

I thought the new year special was abysmal. Too much soap opera and a flmsy plot with more holes than a teabag. Was angry for hours.
The series was okay. The Indian wedding episode being the best. Waste of good acting talent.
The next night we watched Thelma & Louise - and felt much better. That's what you call women in roles traditionally held by men.

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Considering I wrote a lengthy review of last year's episode, you are now tempting me to write one for this episode. I have a lot to say about it to and a lot about it disappointed me. Much like the rest of the season, something about the writing made the Doctor too flat for me. Perhaps it's a whiplash from Moffat's constant exploration of the Doctor as a character, but I sense Judie's abilities were wildly underutilized in this season.

Oh no, I've started writing it already didn't I? Now if I could only find the time to write a full review...

I made it to episode two, I think that says pretty much how I feel. And why not the Christmas special at the right time?

Ahhh, I still have few episodes to catch up. :)
Now, seeing this, means I don't need to hurry up :)

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