Game of Thrones: What the F*ck? Did you feel the same way after watching GOT?

in #tv7 years ago (edited)

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After listening to everyone praise how amazing Game of Thrones (GOT) is, being told how my life is empty for not watching it and left out in conversations during gatherings, I finally caved in and watched my first two episodes of GOT.

This opinion is based solely on first two episodes so I might come back and give a more matured opinion but based on the wasted 2+ hours I must say:

What the F*ck?


This piece of shit got so hyped that I was expecting an entirely amazing experience and got the same old load of crap of Kings wanting to keep their Kingdoms and those exiled from their Kingdoms determined to get it back - no matter the price and Men wanting to drink and fuck. You know the good old barbaric days.

I love HBO. I think they keep the true 'expression of art' alive and they are not responsible for me being duped into getting the subscription to watch GOT.

It is this mass hysteria about being part of a group, to belong and being accepted. I am sure there are many people who continue to watch GOT so that they can be PART of conversation?

My reason for watching is none of them; I thought I was really missing a masterpiece like a Stranger Things or Narcos (both Netflix Originals and both I watched based on recommendations) and I am not missing not watching GOT for all these years.

What scared me the most was this: Daenerys (lead role!?) is offered up as a gift to Khal so that Khal can help her brother to reclaim the Throne! Khal treats her as a piece of meat and customarily fucks her every night in the doggy style.

What does Daenerys do?

She asks one of her aides to teach her 'how to please her man'.

In a series that is as popular as Game of Thrones and to those millions of young kids that are HOOKED to this, what kind of message is being transmitted? For the young girls does this convey "that no matter how a Man treats you like - it is your job to keep him happy?" and for the gullible boys does this reiterate that "You can treat the women like piece of meat"?

I am not a prude in any form so don't even try to preach me. I am merely posing a question. We are conditioned the most by what we love and open up for subtle manipulation and conditioning.

And if your argument is - it used to be like this on those days, I would say, first this is a fiction - so those days can be depicted however you want. Also, have you ever heard about Cleopatra?

I have to repeat myself here. It is not the HBO nor the Author, George RR Martin, that I have beef with - it is with every single person that said - this is like nothing I have watched on TV. And of them I have to ask again:

What the F*ck?

I will force myself to watch at least until end of Season 1 to see if this OVERLY hyped piece of blood and sex orgy keeps me interested!

If you are looking to tell me how wrong I am about GOT, please read the article before doing it.

Opinion. Not an advice.

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