Westworld .. Just some beautiful dialogue about Grief.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tv7 years ago

When I was young, the movie, Westworld (1973), the futuristic Western, really had an impact on me.


Every year, it seemed to be replayed.

I watched it again a couple of years ago, and that movie was very well made, for the genre it was.

The futuristic style, of creating a theme park, filled with automatons, doesn't seem too far fetched from today's technological ability.

Also, not too far away, is the threat of; What happens if we lose control of our creation?

With this post, I feel I could go on, and on, and on. So, I will keep on track...

The Westworld TV series, initially put me off. I thought, they would ruin my own perception of the original movie.
You know, sometimes things should just be left alone.


But seeing that, Ed Harris, was in it, got me thinking that it will probably be good. I always liked his sniper role in, Enemy At The Gates.


And in Westworld, the TV series, he plays a fantastic role again. (Mind you I have only watched 4 episodes, so no spoilers please).


And one of the producers, Bad Robot, has made alot of content I have enjoyed.


Ok, so the meat of my post. The best cleavage actress, Evan Rachel Wood, ... oh wait, I am complimenting her. But for me, the cleavage shows, and it is beautiful, before her other talents show. She plays a robot, that one of the head production crew, is playing with her ability to, Awaken.


Anyway, she identifies that she is suffering from Grief. And the Engineer, Jeffrey Wright, another guy who played a good role in that amazing movie, Source Code, asks her;


Dialogue goes like this;

Delores: Everyone I care about is gone...and it hurts.. so badly.
Bernard: I can make that feeling go away if you'd like.

Delores: Why would I want that?
The pain, their loss, it's all I have left of them.
You think the grief will make you smaller inside,
like your heart will collapse in on itself, but it doesn't.
I feel spaces opening up inside of me,
Like a building with rooms that I've never explored.

I'm @jagged


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