What if (Netflix series): I had high hopes, but it just doesn't work.

in #tv5 years ago

So there is a new show on Netflix with an awesome trailer featuring excelling camera work and a boomin' soundtrack. It looks interesting and even a bit chilling /scary, it has a few heavy-hitters in the cast.......aaaaaannnd... its' boring.


Renee Zellweger play a billionaire investor / evil person who makes an "indecent proposal" to a married couple that she will finance their near bankrupt but revolutionary medical-tech company in exchange for one night with her husband. However, just like in the movie Indecent Proposal the one night has repercussions that carry on well beyond the one evening. Renee's character has more in store for the medical company than just handing over her money. However, everything that she does is shrouded in secrecy so we are drip-fed this information.

To be honest, the secrecy is the only thing that keeps me watching. But you can only hold that carrot inches from my face so many times before it simply becomes frustrating rather than interesting.


Jane Levy plays the role of the wife / medical tech company CEO and normally I like her as an actress. However, i can't say if it is the fault of the script (I think it almost has to be to a certain degree) but this confident person, which you would need to be in order to have a position like her, is reduced to a groveling mess of a woman who is overcome with insane jealousy pretty much every episode. Her involvement in scenes eventually becomes quite annoying much like Skylar from Breaking Bad.

I think the most difficult part of all this is looking at Zellweger and trying to believe that she is calculating and evil.... which is pretty much the opposite of all her characters up to this point. Sorry Renee, but this outfit just doesn't fit you. I can understand why you would like to put it on, but it simply doesn't work. You arent' evil. Demi Moore pulled off evil, but it just doesn't work for you.

There are 3 other stories that are going on in the series, and they are meant to somewhat tie in with one another at some point. I will admit that I didn't get to that point nor do I have any intention of doing so. I watched 4/10 of a series and was bored out of my mind.... that's enough for me.

On a scale of "urgh!" to "wowsers!" I give What / If an overall rating of.....



You do a great job when you put articles about tv shows I like this

I thought I was the only one who wasn't convinced by the evil Renee. I don't know why I can't get her out of romantic comedies; not to mention the changes that have been made to her face that don't fit me. I know that actors shouldn't be pigeonholed, but there are performances that don't last long. Thank you for this review, @gooddream

I was really excited about seeing this and then I started reading some of the other reviews and I realized it wasn't going to be what I thought it might be. My wife just asked me about it the other day and after I explained the plot to her she was kind of like "oh, never mind".

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