New on Netflix: Medical Police

in #tv4 years ago

I have this promise that I make where I will watch anything that Netflix recommends and for the most part this ends up in me watching a bit of something, getting bored, and then walking away from it for good.

Medical Police is something that I will likely return to from time-to-time because of its humor and because it is making fun of a lot of other types of "urgent police dramas."

Basically this show is reasonably entertaining for the correct audience and I don't really know who that would be other than saying "people like me." I like it when a series comes out that makes a mockery of an overabundance of serious series that fall into the same category as this.


If you've ever seen The Naked Gun movies and enjoyed them, I think the way the humor is done in this series will appeal to you, at least for a little while.

The story is that the Center for Disease Control has a secret division of police that investigate medical crimes around the world, but the two agents that they have on the case aren't particularly smart, or good at police work. Lola Spratt and Owen Maestro miss obvious clues and routinely make silly mistakes in their investigation and their superiors aren't particularly bright either.


The evil plan that is uncovered is that a group of villains has decided to spread a super-virus around the world. These two clowns are charged with putting a stop to it before it gets out of control - they just aren't very good at their jobs nor are the secrets that they uncover hidden very well. Basically, the show is just intentionally dumb and for me at least, I can enjoy this sort of thing in small doses.

from the official Netflix channel

The entire series is a parody of a bunch of spy-thrillers that exist out there such as 24, The Americans, or perhaps Homeland, but it doesn't take itself seriously at all and is kind of a spoof of serious shows the way that Scary Movie would mock the horror genre.

The chief writer and creator behind it all is Rob Corddry, who I think is one of the most underappreciated comedians out there. He and a bunch of his pals did all the writing for the show and in the end, I think this show can be a lot of fun for the right person. It works for me because I feel as though the crime or spy thriller genre has been done to death and is certainly deserving of being made fun of.


I'm not saying this show is great, because it isn't. However, since the episodes are really short I think it is a good diversion if you are looking for some short-attention-span entertainment.

The major issue I have with most of the Netflix series out there right now is that they are too long, even some of the massive budget ones like Punisher had waaaaay too much filler in them for the sake of filling up 15 or 16 full-length episodes. Even though most of what happens in Medical Police is extremely stupid, at least they get to the point quickly.

I think you should give the first episode a shot and see if the childish humor appeals to you. If it doesn't do if for ya, at least you have only wasted 20 minutes of your life.

My overall opinion!



Cops AND doctors in the same soapie?!? 🤣 hooked already!! Loved the vintage Hogues at the end... it's been a while but I remember seeing him when he was a young rising star in Oz. 🤣

I am so glad that you took the time to watch this and review it for me. I kept seeing it pop up in my Netflix this weekend (my wife and I just started watching Breaking Bad). My initial reaction was WTF! I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be serious or not. I like the idea that they can poke fun at themselves and the genre. I think that Warehouse 13 used to do a really good job of that even though it wasn't necessarily the best show. I doubt this is something that my wife would enjoy, but I am not opposed to some stupid humor every now and then. Super Troopers is one of my favorite movies after all. I just saw the other day that some of the Broken Lizard guys have a "fire department" show on some cable channel. I might have to check that out.

Is super troopers the movie where they had that dumb scene about "shenanigans" ?

Dumb scene? That is comedy genius! Yes, that is the movie.

haha. I loved it.

Still not sold on it. Then again I only watched the Blacklist until recently so there is still hope I guess. Peeky Blinders is good if you are desperate for something to watch and don't forget "Hunted" as I know you will enjoy this. There is 4 or 5 seasons already to catch up on plus the celebrity seasons as well.

Dude...this is totally like Dr. Cop from Disney's Doug.

Skip to 1:00

lol, maybe that's where they got the idea. Did you just happen to remember this?

Yes! The moment I read the post, I was like...I remember that one time from Doug.

The keyword here is 20 minutes... The trailer looks stupid, but since an episode is only20 minutes, I will give it a try. Ans since I do enjoy humor like this, who knows where it will take me :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I can use a good chuckle or two today...perhaps I'll tune into Netflix and check this series out.

Thanks for the suggestion.

This is quite interesting, I do believe Netflix serves quite a lengthy series usually, but few of them are worth a longer slot, I feel this series can be given a try.
Keep flourishing.

I cannot say I heard that one before. Medical police?

Ill have to look it up.

I'm totally for intentionally dumb series and movies these days because the serious ones still seem a bit silly for me(I still watch them because they're literally all we've got). I've never been a series guy because they take too damn long to finish but I've stumbled into one Amazon series based on Tom Clancy's book titled Jack Ryan thtat I think you'll enjoy if you like weird detective /FBI series, then I also watched Godfather of Harlem if you like Gangsta/crime series and recently saw this 2016 movie titled The Accountant that I can rate as "meh but just watch it anyways because of Ben Affleck"
I'll steal use my brother's subscription and check out this one.

I've been on netflix quite a bit lately but haven't seen this one, it does look pretty entertaining, thanks gooddream for a great review!

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