How people in the U.S consume TV over the Internet. What about your country?

in #tv8 years ago (edited)

(First post. Breaking my lurk-for-weeks-then-participate rule. Apologies if this format is not a good fit.)

(screenshot taken from cable-free spreadsheet I maintain. More spreadsheets where that came from.)

TV: Not so dead

In the United States there's lotsa debate about how viable the future of traditional TV is, as well as how much people are actually "cutting the cord." Depending on how you slice stuff, you can find data to support all sorts of interpretations. Some people look at ad buying patterns. Some people look at cable subscriptions. Some people look at viewing hours-spent. All pretty reasonable... and inconclusive. (Disclaimer: it's my opinion that it's pretty clear directionally what will happen w/TV/Internet. But the time horizon is definitely up for debate given that Internet content business models are far from stable. So I'm pretty patient with near-term debate about TV vitality.)

Cord-cutting: Let's get a liiiiiiiiitle more specific: Video On Demand, Streaming, Over the Top

Something I like to follow is how Americans consume TV-ish content outside of cable/satellite subscriptions, over the Internet. (aka, VOD (video on demand), streaming, and OTT (over the top)).

In the United States we've long had a bunch of (S)VOD options- ways to watch stuff after it's aired. (Hulu, Netflix, etc) But being able to watch stuff as it airs live is a bit newer. We have some a la carte options (like HBO Now, not to be confused with HBO GO), and we have some "bundle" options- like Sling). But most of the true livestream stuff is a bit newer and less adopted. (Often because the deals between all the legacy players are really hard to nail down because defensive incumbent players are nervous Because Internet.)

I maintain some spreadsheets that track how popular various services are.
I'm posting some screenshots here, but they'll be out of date really fast. So click through to the live spreadsheet if you want the most up-to-date picture.

Here's an example of some content services tracked:

Here's some hardware stuff.

If some numbers look off, they might be! The spreadsheet has a preference for "official" numbers released by the company... even if they're really old. In some cases if there's no official number, there'll be 3rd party estimate plugged in there.

Also- some people might feel pushed to reach some sort of conclusion after browsing the sheet. To compare these (smaller) Internet TV content numbers to ESPN subscribers (over cable) or something. While that's totally fair to do, it overlooks tons of asymmetric behavior that's happening- people doing other less explicitly "TV" things on the Internet. (Beyond the scope of the spreadsheet, but worth noting.)

Tell me your cable-free set-up

But anyway- let's get to why I posted this here on Steemit. (Aside from getting friendly encouragement to post here from a couple community members.) Steemit has people from all over the world in its community, and I'd love to know how you all watch TV-ish content over the Internet. What are the major services in your country? Are they video on demand? True livestream? Do most services require you to have cable/provider login?

Would love to hear anything you have to share.


Thank you for this, It's very interesting. I'm not surprised so many people have chosen to migrate over to Netflix and Hulu.

@bluechoochoo always keeps it concise and interesting, to say the very least :D

Platform migration plays a huge role in this day and age. Medias are changing, and so are entertainment usages with the TV. And things will only get crazier in the 2020s. :)

The age of Quantum Computing

+1 for good work ... but haven't watched tv for several years ... Went Full net yrs ago ... Imho if it has value it's on the interwebs or will be soon ... MIT has open courseware free for almost 15 yrs .. wanna Know, start there ! YouTube Audiobooks ... Huff post, Wanna know something ? STEEMIT.COM !!!!

My cable-free setup:

In the US I was too broke to consider subscribing for cable services.

Plus, I pirated my television using bittorrent, etc.

Now, I simply have better things to do with my time.

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