Kick Junks Story Chapter one Betrayed By Friends. NSFW Strong vulgar language is not recommended children watch this.

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)

Hi, fellow Steemers it has been a while. I know, I know, excuse, excuse, I always have them. But no really at some point in my earlier episodes my video card decided it didn't want to work so well so all the fun things I enjoy doing I had to stop long enough to power down some to buy myself a new video card. I'd like to take a moment to give a big shout-out to @dwinblood for helping me with the remaining money that I needed.
Thanks, man, it helped a lot.

Okay to jump into what this is all about. I'm not going to go into massive detail because I would rather you read this stuff and look at the images exe... This is going to be a story about Kick junks life in this game that I am playing (ARK). I spent some time trying to figure out how to make tutorials a little funner and a little easier to read. Whether or not I have done this, this is going to be the new way I'll be writing my tutorials, lengthy and interesting.

Chapter one

Betrayed By Friends

Kick Junk grew up in a small town in which the name and story of will remain a secret to protect the lives of the individuals reading this. Kick fell in with a bad crowd at the time he thought they were his friends. A good crew, to say the least, they partied together, got drunk together, got in fistfights together most of all they protected each other. Until the night that Kicks life changed forever. While partying and having some drinks with his friends.

Kick starts to feel a little dizzy, unwell, Kick: (I don't feel so well guys.) Kicks friends begin to laugh at him as he passes out and fell to the floor. Kick new in that moment that he'd been betrayed. Probably one of his friends trying to seek power trying to become the new leader of the crew.

Kick awakes a little dazed from the drugs that were given to him. Kick: (Ow my f****** head what happened.) Kick instantly starts to feel like he's freezing realizing that he is completely naked. Kick: (Why am I butt a** naked where the f*** are my clothes.)

In mid-thought kick realizes that his left forearm hurts He glances at his forearm realizing that there is a large metal diamond shaped figure in his arm. Kick: (Holy s*** what the f*** is that.)

He begins to panic and tries to scratch it out of his arm. This was a futile attempt because it was hardwired into his nervous system. This system track of everything, what he's carrying, his vitals, whether he's hungry, thirsty Exe... This little thing maybe the only thing that helps with his survival in a place he has yet to realize he is in.

In this moment the ground begins to shake jolting him out of his panicking stage. He lifts his head and notices what could only be described as a dinosaur. Kick: (What the f*** is that, oh my God is that a f****** dinosaur! Where the f*** am I.)

Kicks panicking stage sets in again in that moment the old saying (Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore) pops into his mind and he chuckles a little. This calms hes panicking stage some just enough to remember the good old days in boy scouts survival training. Kick: (Who am I kidding I never went through f****** survival training let alone boy scouts but I do recall a tutorial that I seen on YouTube.)


Kick: (If I remember correctly I'm supposed to get some stone, thatch, and wood to make a stone pick) Kick takes the time to ponder in his mind for a moment about the YouTube video that he had watched. He remembers that it had many different useful points but most of all how to begin his journey in the wilderness with nothing but his skivvies.

Kick hesitates for a second only to ponder the dangers of venturing forth he knows that he needs to gather the materials to survive it is getting dark and even colder. Kick starts for the tree line to pick up materials to craft his first pick. He comes to a rock lying on the ground knowing that it is a resource that is needed to move forward. As he approaches the rock he suddenly realizes that all these icons are popping up in his eyes view. A little dazed and puke-ashley dizzy he sucks it up and picks up the rock.

As he picks up the rock it is instantaneously sucked from his right hand to the diamond on his left forearm disappearing before his eyes. A little dazed by amazement he reminds himself to breathe then attempted it again the same results happens the rock sucks directly from his right hand to his left forearm Kick :(What the hell is going on this is the prime definition of insanity.) Extremely frustrated he looks at the diamond on his left forearm focusing on where the materials have gone.

Alright, fellow Steemers that's it for this post in the next post Chapter two Secrets Of The Diamond. I hope you folks enjoy the short little story with a tutorial. For those of you that actually read it and watch the tutorial and up voted my stuff I do appreciate it.

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