How to easily mine Zcash!(Step by Step tutorial)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tutorial8 years ago

Almost everyone who is familiar with the digital currency and crypto currency has heard about mining coins and probably tried it out of curiosity, zcash is another coin that can be easily mined(technically the process is not that hard comparing to other crypto currencies)


What is Zcash?

Zcash is another crypto currency which was launched on 28 of October 2016 that is very similar to Bitcoin, the number of ZEC is 21 million(same as Bitcoin) and it is supposed to be mined in 131 years, as you know Bitcoin has a 10 minutes block (the time that one block gets resolved) whereas Zcash block time is 2.5 minutes (4 times bigger block rewards), I am going to make a tutorial about mining Zcash, you can find more details about Zcash here. At the time of writing this post the price of ZEC is 31.03 $


First install the Zcash source from here(use the latest version), note that your server should have at least 4GB of free RAM. And about the OS I chose Ubuntu server 16.04(basically Debian based ones are easier to work with in this case).

Prerequisite packages

Execute following commands to transport keys, etc.. Securely

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https 
wget –qO – | sudo apt-key add –
sudo echo “deb Jessie main” sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zcash.list
sudo apt-get update

Execute following commands to install Zcash and grab the parameters required by the zero knowledge proof system in Zcash

sudo apt-install zcash

Now we need to create a conf file in home directory
First create a hidden directory (. Represents hidden directories in Linux)

mkdir ~/.zcash
cd ~/.zcash

Now you need to properly configure your .conf file and its CPU mining variable, note that user name is not important but it is better to generate a long and complex password, following commands will do that for you

echo “rpcuser=meysam” > zcash.conf
echo “rpcpassword=`head –c 32 /dev/urandom | base64’” >> zcash.conf
echo “gen=1” >> zcash.conf

Cat the zcash.conf to make sure your configuration has taken place correctly

cat zcash.conf

Now is the time to start your zcash node by the command ‘zcashd’
After running zcash you are going to see something like this:

To run in background add the --deamoin option and -genproclimit= 3 for running with 3 threads

zcashd -genproclimit=3 --daemon

You can add genproclimit to the config file
echo “genproclimit=3” >> zcash.conf
By running ‘zcashd ?’ you will see the list of option that you can run with zcashd
To connect to your wallet and see your balance run following command when you are in zcash directory
sudo ./src/zcash-cli getinfo
This command will give you the details about your wallet like the blocks that you solved , hashrate,balance,difficulty, etc

By using option ‘help’ you will be able to see the list of options

Lets go through some options to see how it is done

Getting t-addr anz z-addr

./src/zcash-cli getnewaddress
./src/zcash-cli z_getnewaddress

The address that you need to send to sender for getting the zcash

You are all set with your basic command, to see more details click here. the steps are pretty easy I promise you, run a server and try it.
this video is official tutorial about zcash

I hope you find it simple enough to give it a try

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This is another level for me. When I have time I'm gonna read it thanks for sharing. Follow you know Peace

thank you for the feedback :)
followd you back

how about windows. this is pretty hard. is it mined with cpu, gpu or hardware?

This tutorial is for CPU mining
to do it on Windows try this link, I have not tried it , but by the look at it I guess you wouldn't have that much problem
good luck :)

Very good post. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I strongly advice people to only buy in to cryptos that have a solid background: A solid team, product, advisors, preferably VC investors, etc. Sell all cryptos that don't have this solid background. It's a waiste of money. Do you know this interesting site? I'm really enthusiastic about this site, they let you analyze every single coin out there. See: For the Zcash Indepth analysis

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