How To Have Patience In Life

in #tutorial5 years ago

I am learning how to have patience in life! A core value of genius is patience. Patience means having the ability to not have instant gratification in what you’re doing. Patience allows for all good things to happen by having a little bit done every day. Patience has taken me a long time to develop in my life. For a lot of my life, I wanted instant gratification all the time. I loved things like video games because they would provide instant gratification. You do a good job fighting the boss, and bam, you get a great reward right away.

How To Have Patience In Life

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Life, on the other hand, rarely seems to give a good reward in proximity to working hard. I’d do really good in school, work hard in class, and finally get an A at the end of the semester. It was really aggravating. Same thing with girls. You try and get to know a girl and ask her out, and finally get to go out with her, and then it wouldn’t even work out. My patience was tested at every moment of the day. I had a hard time with patience.

I thought of the race of the turtle and the hare, or the tortoise and the hare, or the rabbit and the turtle, the rabbit running fast and I could see the wisdom of the turtle running slow. And yet, I lived my life like the rabbit. I’d run forward in these bursts and then stop, and forget about it, and go backwards. Always, the people who worked like a turtle could get farther ahead than me and it drove me crazy.

The core of genius is having patience. You can see when I talk, patience is important. That allows me to talk more smoothly. If you don’t have patience when talking, what you end up doing is stumbling over your words all the time and having to say um and ah, and get a break for time to think. If you slow down a little bit, the words come out more naturally and you don’t have to make as many mistakes. This allows me to make my videos with almost no edits, which allows me to produce way faster. Patience is huge.


Here’s how patience plays a big role in genius. Think about Steve Jobs with his idea for the iPhone. Now, how much patience do you think he had between the moment he had that idea, which he said came out on a meditation, as far as I’ve heard, out on a retreat. He had the idea then.

How long do you think it took before it actually was available in stores? How long do you think it took between when he had the idea and people could actually start using it? How long between when he had the idea and it started to make some of the changes he would have hoped for? How long from when he had the idea till when someone like me actually got one, when I had originally had everything but an Apple device?

Patience is an absolute requirement for genius, because you’re unlikely to do any of your genius work very quickly. What you can see with me on Udemy is a little bit of consistent work over time. What you can see with someone like Steve Jobs is the little bit of consistent work over time to make the iPhone a reality. Once he had the idea, then there’s tons of steps, tons of things to go through and get it actually, idea, developed, tested, and out for release, and make new versions, tons of time, and energy and effort.

The thing is you don’t have enough time in one day, or even a week or a month usually, to do your best work. Usually, your best work takes an incredible amount of time and energy. You can have that much time and energy if you’ll do a little bit every day. Some of my best work takes me hundreds if not thousands of hours to do, and it’s founded on everything I’ve done. The thing is, I can do thousands of hours of work in a year if I’m willing to do just around three hours a day, every day. That seems like something that is impossible from the point of view of wanting to get something done.

Patience is absolutely huge. Think about someone like Einstein developing his theories of the universe. That didn’t happen overnight. That happened with a lot of work and thought experiments, all the time, tons of effort, tons of mistakes, tons of things that didn’t make sense; over and over and over, a little work, all the time, to get it right finally, and then more work to get the next thing right. Patience means accepting your limitations and saying, “You know what? I only have a few hours of good work I can do every day.”

Read more on my website at


Jerry Banfield


You're so right.... patince is the first thing..... I'm a marbe sculptor, I know it ;-D

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