SEO and FaceBook Post Engagement Ad Strategy for eCommerce

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)

This is a strategy that I have used over 2 years for SEO of an eCommerce site. It consists of an article posted on the site and shared to the Facebook page weekly, and then the post is boosted in the Ad Manager.

As it is for the Thai market there is a Thai writer who writes 1,000 words articles targeting a list of keywords that have been researched. One article is posted on the site every Monday.

This strategy can be applied for any site, any product and any country, the important thing is consistency. You can do this weekly or twice a week if you have enough articles and budget for the ads.

SEO and FaceBook Post Engagement Ad Strategy

Below is the article and the Facebook buttons that show the number of Likes on the site.

After the article is published on the eCommerce site, it is shared on Facebook using the Share button.

This is how it looks like on Facebook.

You can see the original post here:

The post is pinned for the week, until it is replaced by a new one the next Monday.

What you see in the image above is the post after the campaign has ended. The objective is to have more than 1,000 Likes on each post, and then the Facebook ad is turned off.

Doing it this way, the Likes are showing on the Facebook post and on the article page on the website as well. When visitors see the page, they can only be impressed by the number of Likes the article has. It gives the site some more credibility.

The results for this Facebook Post Boost Ad were 1,072 Likes for a reach of 10,725: 1,106 Organic and 9,619 Paid reach. The organic reach is improved with the paid ad, as usually there is 500-600 in organic reach for a good post on this Facebook page.

Ad Manager:

Now, let me show you this Ad in the Ad manager.
The Boost button on the post was not used, the ad was made in the Ad manager.

As you can see, this is Article 09.

Let’s see the Ad Set setting:

Only one ad set was created because the ad is running a very short time (5 days or less) and the cost is usually $0.01 per post engagement every time now, so there is no use to test with multiple ad sets.

Optimized CPM was used as usual.

Targeting is Thailand, Thai language, one interest “Children’s Clothing”, 20-50 years old, female. Friends of people who liked the page are also targeted.

This is the Desktop News Feed Ad:

This is the Mobile News Feed Ad:

These are the results for this campaign:

The campaign ran 5 days and the cost per result was $0.01. We really can’t get cheaper post engagement costs, as I believe the campaign duration is too short to do any better.

We can see clearly from the Audience section that Female between 18 and 24 years old are the majority. Useful information to use in future ads.

The ad is placed for Desktop and Mobile News Feed…

… but Facebook decided that the Mobile News Feed was the best for this ad.

The “Performance” results:

1,019 Post engagement with an average relevance score of “6”. Not so great, but the cost is still low.

The “Engagement” results:

The total of Likes for the Post is 1,073.

  • 971 post paid Likes
  • 102 post organic Likes
  • No comments & no share
  • 48 clicks to the website
  • 9 page Likes

The Facebook campaign brought 102 post organic Likes and as a bonus 48 clicks to the article on the website.

Unfortunately, no comments and no shares.

The campaign was started on a Monday and the post will be unpinned the next Monday.

The article has been viewed 131 times in 7 days as a direct result of the Facebook ad with a cost of $13.65.

Of course, you may decide to put 5K Likes on each post if you have the budget, but I'd prefer more articles posted with 1K likes than fewer articles and more Likes.

That’s the end of this case study. I’ll answer all your questions in the comments below.

Need help with your Facebook ads? You may get in touch with me.

If you feel this post is useful please upvote. Follow me for more of these tutorials.

Michel Gerard


Not related to your article (which is a great read), but thank you for transcribing all of @jerrybanfield videos! Such a cool thing to do..much appreciated!!

Thank you Queeneleanor. Actually I get the transcriptions and I rewrite them to make them more readable. I add screenshots and illustrations. I am glad that you like to read the posts as much as I like working on them.

Great documentation of your campaign Michel, interesting case study, thanks for sharing.

I am glad it is useful for you.

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